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康姿百德床垫多重? 康姿百德床垫好吗?英文双语对照


康姿百德床垫多重? 康姿百德床垫好吗?英文双语对照










1. 有些床垫材料可能会含有甲醛等刺激性物质。甲醛是一种有毒化学物质,可能对人体健康产生不良影响。特别是对于婴幼儿和孕妇等对甲醛更为敏感的人群,使用含甲醛的床垫时要特别注意。

2. 另外,如果床垫质量差,可能会导致变形、产生异味等问题,对使用者的健康产生影响。长时间使用较硬或较软的床垫也可能对身体产生影响,因此要购买符合自己身体需要的床垫。

3. 另外,某些低质量的床垫,可能会产生静电和电磁辐射等问题,这些问题对人体可能会产生较大的危害。



在康姿百德上班,员工会获得相对优厚的基本薪资。如作为运营督导,每月可获得4200元的稳定收入+绩效;而储备干部的薪资标准更高,为6170元/月,这在行业内也属于较为优厚的水平;另外,店面经理有每月5000元底薪+月度销售总额提成+奖金,累计算下来 待遇要优 于同行 薪资 ,越往后 随着岗位提升福利待遇 也会 更好 。


















Kang Zi is 100 heart mattess multiple?

100 heart mattess controls Kang Zi 80 jins, all wool and a yard wide, be worth to buy!

Kang Zi is 100 heart mattess good?

Kang Zi 100 heart mattess is better choice. 1, because 100 heart mattess used health appearance not to have negative pressure foam outstandingly, the easy that can assure human body Morpheus so is measurable, and still have certain adjustment effect of postural of human body Morpheus. 2, in addition, 100 heart mattess still can prevent Kang Zi effectively the breed of mite bug, it is very important for this crowd to easy allergy. 3, finally, the price of 100 heart mattess also kisses Kang Zi quite civilian, because this goes after high quality to be,better choice is for the crowd of Morpheus.

Do 100 heart seek advice from Kang Zi means?

100 heart offer Kang Zi a variety of advisory means, in order to satisfy the requirement of different client. You can pass phone, email or online chat to undertake communication with our advisory division. Our advisory division can listen attentively to your problem and bewilderment patiently, provide professional proposal and guidance.

In addition, we still are offerred face-to-face advisory service, you can make an appointment to undertake with our advisory division face-to-face talk. No matter you choose which kinds of advisory way, we can ensure the privacy that protects you and information are safe.

Does 100 heart mattess endanger Kang Zi?

Kang Zi the mattess brand that 100 heart are a home, its product involves a variety of kinds such as mattess of emulsion mattess, spring-mattress, sponge. A few consumer fear the mattess of 100 heart meets use Kang Zi to produce a harm to health, it is a few problems that exist possibly below:

1.Some mattess material may contain the excitant material such as formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is a kind of poisonous and chemical material, the possibility produces undesirable effect to human body health. Wait for more sensitive to formaldehyde crowd to infant and pregnant woman especially, special attention wants when using the mattess that contains formaldehyde.

2.Additional, if mattess quality is poor, may bring about be out of shape, the problem such as generation peculiar smell, right the health of the person that use produces an effect. Use harder or softer mattess for long to produce an effect possibly also to the body, because this should be bought,accord with the mattess that him body needs.

3.Additional, the mattess of certain inferior quality, may arise electrostatic wait for a problem with electromagnetism radiate, these problems may arise greater harm to human body.

Accordingly, when consumer is buying mattess, want to choose the normal, brand that has reputation and sale channel. Best choice does not have the mattess of club of formaldehyde, quality, if emulsion mattess, natural palm is filled up,wait. Return the label of the respect such as should advertent material, craft and brand at the same time, after service can seek advice before buy, the healthy issue that brings with avoiding to use mattess.

Kang Zi pay of 100 heart employee?

In Kang Zi 100 heart go to work, employee can win relatively favourable basic compensation. If serve as operation superintend and director to guide, the steady income that can gain 4200 yuan every months + performance; And the pay level that lays in a cadre is higher, it is 6170 yuan / month, this also attributes relatively favourable level inside the industry; Additional, the manager has storefront every months 5000 yuan of base salary + deduct a percentage of monthly sale amount + bonus, tired computation comes down pay wants compensation of excel person of the same trade, it is better to jump over in the future to promote welfare pay to also be met as post.

Kang Zi truth of 100 heart mattess?

Kang Zi the effect of mattess of cure of 100 heart magnetism also is better, a lot of has used people are exceedingly tall to the evaluation of this mattess, it is very true so.

Function of mat of cure of this kind of magnetism is more powerful still, can invigorate the circulation of blood changes Yu, also can go dehumidify is angry, so many old people can buy this kind of mattess, also many medical treatment inn can use mattess of cure of this kind of magnetism now.

But when we are buying a product, must buy the product of big manufacturer through normal channel, such ability assure quality goods quite, after all on market fake the product is more still.

Who says Kang Zi what price is 100 heart pillow? Kang Zi 100 heart pillow?

Market price: 1080 yuan

Because this pillow used magnetism cure principle, can alleviate head exhaustion, stimulative Morpheus, improvement a variety of effects such as cervical vertebra problem. In the meantime, soft material lets a pillow character more curve of joint human body, raised easy measurable. If you have above problem to need to alleviate, this pillow is the choice that is worth to recommend. Besides Kang Zi 100 heart are soft control magnetic block, there still is the pillow of a lot of sorts on the market. If remember cotton pillow, eider down pillow, emulsion pillow to wait, the function of every kinds of pillow and characteristic are different, answer to choose according to oneself demand. In the meantime, it is very important also to use a pillow correctly, want the body condition according to the individual and habitual option height and hardness, hold appropriate use convention, ability produces the biggest effect of the pillow.

Kang Zi principle of job of 100 heart mattess?

Kang Zi the working principle of 100 heart mattess: It is to use generator of archaize terrestrial magnetism. Our country treats a disease with magnetism already record and narrate, far before more than 2000 years, our ancestor knows to treat a disease with magnetism, and technology of generator of archaize terrestrial magnetism is Kang Zi of research and development of 100 heart company.

Generator of archaize terrestrial magnetism is had " the penetration between intensity of low magnetic induction, headroom " characteristic, kang Zi the magnetism cure product of 100 heart results from the research and development of the technology of generator of terrestrial magnetism of a kind of archaize.

Kang Zi 100 heart, effective really?


Kang Zi 100 heart, it is effective. One

Kang Zi 100 heart are international the well-known trademark that protect skin, its product is covered protect skin to taste, lipstick, eyebrow pencil, wait than fluid of bottom of if its are beautiful white cream, pink in Chinese market successive 5 years selected consumer is believed so that pass a product.

Kang Zi 100 heart how?

Kang Zi 100 heart are very good. The health that 100 heart are a major manages Kang Zi company, offer all-around healthy service and product. They devote oneself to to help people improve healthy condition, improve life quality. 100 heart have Kang Zi a professional group, include division of doctor, nutrition and healthy adviser, they can be mixed according to the individual's demand target, the health that constitutes individuation runs program. The product of 100 heart also passes Kang Zi to strict science studies and check, have high quality with security. In addition, 100 heart still offer Kang Zi online health seeks advice and health is taught, help the health that people understands better and manages oneself. As a whole, kang Zi 100 heart are the health management company that is worth reliance and choice.

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