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数码相机的生产周期? 尼康数码相机是哪里生产的?英文双语对照


数码相机的生产周期? 尼康数码相机是哪里生产的?英文双语对照






“尼康(Nikon)”的名称,从1946年开始使用,是“日本光学”日文读音(Nippon Kogaku)的罗马字母缩写,并且融合了德文中蔡司照相机ZeissIkon中kon的写法。尼康其众多的相机产品中,最主要的有尼克尔(Nikkor)相机镜头、尼康水下照相机(Nikonos)、尼康F系列的135胶卷单反相机、还有尼康D系列的数码单反相机,消费性数码相机Coolpix系列,以及尼康Z系列数码微单相机。尼康也是分步重复半导体生产设备(分档器)的制造商。公司还生产护目镜,眼科检查设备,双筒望远镜,显微镜,勘测器材。














索尼是家喻户晓的日本科技公司,也是世界上最大的摄影产品生产基地之一,它的相机和摄影机在市场上有非常高的人气和庞大的消费者人群。在 4K 摄像机领域,索尼的代表产品就是 FDR-AXP35。





索尼在无锡 上海。宾得在上海。

























One, is the production of digital camera periodic?

The first phase, 1839~1924, take a picture of art diffuse, bring a technology rise, the 2nd phase, 1925~1938, world-renowned camera manufacturer begins a quantity to produce camera, the 3rd phase, 1939~2004, all sorts of film technologies develop a height, 2005~ of the 4th phase up to now, all corners of the country of digital camera unify.

2, where production is camera of Ni Kang number?


Ni Kang (Nikon) , it is manufacturer of a of Japan famous camera, held water 1917, the name is company limited of Japanese optical industry at that time. This company relied on its camera brand 1988, more the name is Nikang company limited.

"Ni Kang (Nikon) " name, begin to use from 1946, be " Japan is optical " Japanese pronunciation (Nippon Kogaku) Roman letter abbreviate, and shirt-sleeve of the Kon in ZeissIkon of camera of department of De Wenzhong Cai write a law. The Buddhist nun in Kang Jizhong's much camera product, the mainest Kerr having the Buddhist nun (Nikkor) the camera camera lens, camera below Ni Kangshui (Nikonos) , the 135 film sheet of series of Ni Kang F turns over the camera, number sheet that still has series of Ni Kang D, consume series of Coolpix of sexual number camera, and camera of small sheet of number of set of Ni Kang Z. Ni Kang also is facilities of step-and-repeat semiconductor production (cent archives implement) manufacturer. The company still produces blinkers, ophthalmology inspects facility, binoculars, microscope, survey equipment.

3, the manufacturing date that how checks digital camera?

Not possible. Airframe encode is manufacturer is written go up, if go after carry out, can examine pertinent information through airframe encode. But what cannot average user check by oneself, more do not look to give date of production.

4, how does Ni Kang sheet turn over digital camera to examine manufacturing date?

Present stick the paper that has a piece of date in inside of upper cover of the camera box that pack commonly.

5, is beautiful odd how to turn over digital camera to examine manufacturing date?

1, the word of the first digit in airframe encode produces a particular year namely. If be camera releases the machine that produces in those days, word of the first digit is number entirely 0, the 2nd year for 1, the 3rd year for 2, with this analogize.

For instance some camera was released 2016, the first place counts number 0 produced 2016 namely, the first place counts number 1 produced 2017 namely, the rest may be deduced by analogy.

2, of encode the 2nd, 3, four words are manufacturing batch.

Pile up according to producing batch (the likelihood has repeat, also may be different) , with beautiful the batch code of can in-house keep contrasts, can check batch date, the likelihood is some the middle of a month, also may be some wh what month.

3, the 5th of encode the following number is airframe alignment encode, an one machine, do not have absolutely repeat.

According to airframe alignment code, with beautiful the alignment code of can in-house keep contrasts, can check manufacturing date.

6, what company production is 4k number camera?

Japan alls alone the company produces the Buddhist nun

The company of Japanese science and technology that Suo Ni is widely known, also be one of base of the largest photography product production on the world, its camera and cinematograph have very high person morale and huge consumer crowd in the market. In 4K camera domain, delegate product of Suo Ni is FDR-AXP35.

The forerunner that Suo Ni is the domain such as product of game of world seeing and hearing, electron, communication and IT person, it is the inaugurator of portable number product, it is line of business of game of electron of one of the world's biggest electronic product manufacturer, world one of 6 big movie companies of Hollywood of one of 3 big tycoons, United States.

7, the digital camera where of hundreds of money produces?

Beautiful can be in Japan partly, one part is in Beijing.

Card Western Europe is in Dongguan. Be in below the pine Xiamen.

Suo Ni is in the Shanghai that do not have stannum. Guest must be in Shanghai.

Manage light is in Beijing.

If want to buy more professional number camera, still do not suggest to buy low price.

1, filmed picture quality and image sensor size are concerned, actor or actress with camera lens quality bad is concerned.

2, even if sheet turns over camera, also have full frame and the branch of half picture, reach professional level should belong to full frame camera, configuration is big of 3 yuan of camera lens.

3, a minute of money a minute of goods, hundreds of yuan investment, far the equipment of class of short of major.

8, why does digital camera call a number camera?

Just as its name implies, the gain that its photography scores digital camera is digital information, it and film camera distinction depend on, film camera films exposure is the chemical reaction of film coating, film is obtained video (need to rinse) ; And digital camera films exposure process is transition of sensitive component photoelectricity, those who obtain is digital signal information stock memory Carrie, digital watch for an opportunity is the greatest advantage is not to need to use film material of this kind of bad news.

9, maintenance number camera, how to give digital camera discharge?

After need discharges, nickel cadmium cell charges, have memorial effectiveness easily otherwise.

Although nickel hydrogen batteries remembers effectiveness lighter, also had better use the use strategy with enough consumed. After using period of time commonly, use sufficient discharge to charge adequately, will activation of batteries most high capacity.

The memorial effectiveness of lithium report is negligible not plan, before charging so, need not discharge.

Some is aimed at charger of appropriative of nickel cadmium cell, itself takes discharge function, put electric hind to turn automatically to charge condition.

If want to use digital watch for an opportunity multi-purpose report will complete batteries discharge process, it is meaningless to digital camera wear away, the loss outweights the gain, still do not use this kind of method had better.

Suggest to be used in all sorts of electric equipment that put batteries to dynamoelectric toy to perhaps use use cell, had better be those electric equipment with working older electric current, discharge in that way time but some shorter.

10, card number camera?

Camera is the telescope that records static picture, the film camera that is a tradition according to recording medium to divide, pat stand camera (Paula piece) with digital camera (the record is digitlization picture file) .

Digital camera serves as a kind big of camera, it is according to cent of camera lens configuration again can change of camera lens and cannot change the camera of camera lens.

Can change camera of camera lens number is divided again to can change camera of number of single shot reflex viewfinder (common says digital sheet is turned over) and can change camera of number of viewfinder of single shot electron (common weighs only report, the only report of airframe of miniature of Suo Ni general calls small sheet, so that be exactly like sheet with its,return an external form but the photograph of only report camera of use electron viewfinder is distinguished) .

Cannot change camera of camera lens number is divided again for ultrathin number camera namely the card chance that common weighs, still one kind is had exceed big scorch to compare (30 times above) the camera of big scorch number of camera lens, because equivalent focal length can achieve 600-1200mm, abbreviation is camera of long anxious number (the wide part that actually its majority also owns 24mm) . Camera lens of this kind of camera is huge, cannot say actually be card machine, its appearance is exactly like sheet to turn over, call kind of sheet to turn over camera again.

Digital sheet is turned over

Only report camera

Card machine

Kind sheet turns over camera

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