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宠物猫如何托运? 宠物猫托运需要的证明?英文双语对照


宠物猫如何托运? 宠物猫托运需要的证明?英文双语对照







航空托运 先去动物医院、动植物检疫单位(或者农业局畜牧中心)开3种相关证明——



3、动物检疫证明然后去航空公司货运部办理托运手续,交钱发货。到达目的地对方凭身份证提取即可。 4.装箱要求,要求笼子为钢筋结构,底盘和四周应该用铁皮围起来,只允许上面的为通风口,底盘还得需要麻袋或者棉制的垫子绑在底盘下面,目的为了不使大小便泄露污染其他货物,笼子的两侧需要有提取时用的攀手(可以用铅丝制作),笼子的开口出需要铅丝扎紧。 5.在机场大厅找上航的柜台说明要带宠物上机,办行李托运切记不要跑到机场货运路上的上航托运处,那里办理的是货物托运而不是行李托运,办行李托运可以随机如果是办理货物托运就根本不用找护花使者了,重要是证明齐全随时都可以办,但是那样宝贝就要不知道什么上机了所以尽量找护花使者带走,这样宝贝可以一直到起飞前40分钟才进传输带你可以多陪他一会。 6.然后你就挥泪下楼去找大巴车吧有一点很重要:货运是无氧仓,宠物会撇死的!!一定要有氧仓 7.如果是出入境,还必须办理一些的手续首先,在出境前到“离境口岸动植物”检疫机关报检,并提供有关证件,如疫苗注射证明等。经检疫合格的,签发“动物健康证书”,作为宠物出关和进入对方国家时的检疫凭证。然后,同对方国家大使馆联系,以核实那个国家的确切要求。旺猋认为,在离境前请兽医对宠物做一次检查是很必要的,给宠物注射狂犬病疫苗是很重要的。 8.如果是欧洲,“飞机运输宠物”还需要“三证”健康证书:离境前48小时内发给的健康证书才有效,由兽医签发;出境证书:从本国登记注册宠物的有关部门领取有效的出境证书。证书上要写明在过去两年里,该宠物居住地无传染病流行。此外,还有“狂犬病的免疫注射证” 费用和相关规定


1. 需要准备的材料有:宠物猫的健康证明,宠物猫的空运笼,宠物猫的营养饲料和水,宠物猫的特殊药物,宠物猫的棉被;2. 前往机场的当天准备妥当,确定猫的比较安全运输并预定航班,确定准点准时到达;3. 填写宠物猫的航空空运单,打印空运笼上的标签,空运笼安装完好,卡位松紧并严格检查;4. 交付宠物猫到航空公司,及时跟踪宠物猫的运输情况,最终抵达成功即可。











































One, how is pet cat consigned?

1, the immune proof that prepares feline Mi, namely vaccinal this. Return those who have feline Mi to examine quarantine proof, place of quarantine of animal of this need place opens a proof, be dealt with inside period of efficacy consign.

2, for instance the plane is consigned, after time of certain flight number need books aviation to consign ahead of schedule, shift to an earlier date 3 hours arrive at freight to be in conduction pet to consign formalities.

3, the cat with bad fitness suggests to be not consigned, the cat that has heart disease especially does not want aviation to consign.

4, host should prepare firm pet to consign box to feline Mi, prepare certain food.

2, the proof that pet cat consigns need?

Aviation is consigned go to animal hospital first, use plant quarantine unit (or center of agricultural bureau pasturage) open 3 kinds of relevant prooves --

1, animal immunity proof

2, carriage appliance disinfects a proof (aviation box perhaps abstains animal basket to disinfect a proof)

3, animal quarantine proof goes next airline freight ministry is dealt with consign formalities, hand in money to deliver goods. Arrive at destination the other side to be extracted by Id can. 4. Case requirement, requirement basket is structure of reinforcing steel bar, chassis and all around should use iron sheet inclose, allow only above for intake, chassis still must need gunny-bag or the cushion that cotton makes is bound below chassis, the purpose pollutes other goods to do not make relieve oneself is divulged, the two side of basket need what to use when extraction climb a hand (can make with lead wire) , the mouth of basket gives need galvanized wire to plunge into close. 5. The bar specification that looks for Shanghai Airline in airport hall should take the chance on pet, do baggage to consign the Shanghai Airline that is sure to keep in mind not to run to road of airport freight transport place, what deal with over there is goods consign and not be baggage consign, it is OK to do baggage to consign if be conduction goods,consign randomly need not look for the emissary that protect a flower at all, if the proof is all ready,can do at any time again, but in that way baby knows the machine on what with respect to otherwise look for the emissary that protect a flower to take away as far as possible so, such treasure Becquerel just enter transmission area with arriving before taking off 40 minutes all the time you can accompany him a little while more. 6. Next you wipe away tears next buildings go looking for bus car it is very important to have a bit: Freight is the storehouse that do not have oxygen, pet can be cast aside dead! ! Must have oxygen storehouse 7. If be discrepancy condition, still must deal with the formalities of a few above all, arrive before leave the country " port of leave a country uses a plant " quarantine mechanism signs up for check, offer concerned certificate, if vaccinal inject proves,wait. Classics quarantine is eligible, sign and issue " animal health credentials " , go out to close and enter the quarantine proof when country of the other side as pet. Next, with connection of embassy of country of the other side, in order to check the exact requirement of that country. Flourishing thinks, vet is being asked to do single censoring to pet before leave a country is very necessary, giving pet inject hydrophobic vaccine is very important. 8. If be Europe, "The plane carries pet " still need " 3 card " healthy certificate: The healthy letter that sends inside before leave a country 48 hours ability is effective, sign and issue by vet; Leave the country certificate: Get from the concerned branch of pet of native registration book leave the country effectively certificate. Should mention expressly on certificate in the past in two years, this pet resides a dwelling place not to have contagion popularity. In addition, still have " hydrophobic immune inject card " charge and relevant provision

3, how does pet cat hold carry back home in the palm?

1.The data that needs preparation has: The health of pet cat proves, of pet cat airborne basket, the nutrient feed of pet cat and water, the special medicaments of pet cat, the quilt of pet cat; 2. Head for the airport preparation is proper that day, decide feline comparison to safety is carried and book a scheduled flight, decide standard feature is punctual arrive; 3. Fill in the aviation airway bill of pet cat, print airborne basket the label that go up, airborne basket installation is in good condition, block a degree of tightness and close check; 4. Consign pet cat arrives airline, dog in time the carriage circumstance of pet cat, arrive at a success finally can.

4, what Gaotie can consign pet cat?

Not OK. Pet cat can not take Gao Tie directly, put in feline bag to also be no good. The basis sets related railroad, except guide beyond blind dog, the live body animal such as cat of dog of feline Mi, dog, bunny, dragon, hamster is not OK and direct the Gao Tie on the belt, but can deal with consign.

5, does pet cat consign need what formalities?

If you need to consign pet cat, normally need has the following procedures:

Those who affirm destination country or area enter a country requirement: Different country or area are right of pet cat enter a country the demand is diverse, some likelihoods need the document such as proof of specific vaccine, quarantine, healthy proof. After affirming destination, the pet that can contact place is consigned serve or airline, understand specific requirement.

Bring the relevant proof document of pet cat: The healthy proof that needs to offer pet cat normally, vaccinal proof, quarantine proves to wait for relevant file. Need seeks advice from the relevant section of destination country or area ahead of schedule, understand specific requirement and prepare corresponding proof document.

The choice suits consign means: Pet cat can choose to be consigned in the hold of the plane, also can choose to be consigned in cabin. If pet cat is consigned in cabin, normally need abides by the relevant provision of airline, if the weight of pet cat and size are restricted,wait.

Those who affirm pet cat is comfortable with safety: Need prepares to suit the comfortable carriage chest of pet cat, undertake proper training before carry, in order to ensure pet cat is safe in consigning a process, comfortable. Empty company of the Xiang Hang before needing to carry or consign a service to refer concerned regulation and proposal.

Those who need an attention is, different country and area have different provision and demand, specific operation method may differ somewhat. Suggest the pet that seeks advice from place ahead of schedule consigns service or relevant section, in order to ensure your pet cat can be consigned smoothly to destination.

6, how does the plane consign pet cat to deal with?


The plane consigns the pet such as feline dog to be able to divide country airborne with international airborne, home is airborne must handle immune certificate above all, be in pet to book cabin seat or berth to be able to pay fortune to airport freight transport then.


International is airborne more troublesome, besides buy airline ticket and outside booking shipping space beforehand to pet. The animal hospital that the pet that still must take you goes to appointing handles immune certificate, give pet inject hydrophobic vaccine. Hold proof of hydrophobic vaccinal inject and immune certificate to shift to an earlier date 36 days to do healthy certificate of animal discrepancy condition again. Leave the country each be restricted to carry pet 1 2 one, should declare to custom.


It is home without giving thought to additionally airborne or international is airborne, the box that installs pet ought to be appropriative aviation box, should bind on the case on label. Number of Shanghai Airline class is kept with marked black pen outside basket, master full name, contact means, the information such as the name of pet, prevent in case occurrence problem can contact host in time.

7, Shenzhen east can the station consign pet cat?

Shenzhen tall iron can consign pet. Consign charge to include vaccinal cost, consign cost, support value is expended and bale cost. Vaccinal cost is in commonly 20-50 yuan between, consigning cost is the weight that adds basket according to pet

8, what does train of pet cat Mi consign need to prepare?

The first pace: Ahead of schedule the phone seeks advice

Above all, deal with in preparation before consigning, need of the official that shovel excrement dials a telephone ahead of schedule whether can be 12306 advisory railway stations dealt with consign formalities, because some railway stations carry business without open luggage, such word, it is to cannot be feline Mi to deal with consign. Etc had affirmed have consigned business, we are OK the circumstance according to oneself, select good number, prepare relevant formalities.

The 2nd pace: Deal with relevant data formalities

Get ready with consign relevant formalities data, the animal is for instance healthy immune card, animal quarantine card and basket have alexipharmic proof. Among them immune card wants feline Mi inject to cross contagion and hydrophobic vaccine to be able to be obtained only, quarantine station deals with the animal sanitation that quarantine card needs place. And basket provided alexipharmic proof, can deal with to wholesome quarantine branch, perhaps receive a railway station to deal with continuously, give after the staff member, the epidemic prevention on their meeting lid supervises official seal.

The 3rd pace: Prepare basket

Preparing consigned basket also is very important one step. Had better use pet aviation case, more strong and durable, bear intensity of pressure, also won't leak hourglass excrement. The space should be enough big, mi letting a cat can relaxed face about, sit down and bend over below, can let feline Mi suit ahead of schedule, lest produce an accident.

The 4th pace: Deal with to the station ahead of schedule consign

Multiplying a car to shifted to an earlier date that day two hours are dealt with to the railway station consign formalities can. Taking ready material expect platform to apply for a job first personnel fills sheet, after producing a proof, can take feline Mi to say to weigh to the place that install check, cost is consigned in window pay, it is OK that the staff member gives pet pet later, they can put feline Mi to the train to consign railroad car.

9, what does the proof that pet cat consigns need have?

Aviation is consigned

Go to animal hospital first, use plant quarantine unit (or center of agricultural bureau pasturage) open 3 kinds of relevant prooves --

1, animal immunity proof

2, carriage appliance disinfects a proof (aviation box perhaps abstains animal basket to disinfect a proof)

3, animal quarantine proof goes next airline freight ministry is dealt with consign formalities, hand in money to deliver goods. Arrive at destination the other side to be extracted by Id can.

4. case asks, requirement basket is structure of reinforcing steel bar, chassis and all around should use iron sheet inclose, allow only above for intake, chassis still must need gunny-bag or the cushion that cotton makes is bound below chassis, the purpose pollutes other goods to do not make relieve oneself is divulged, the two side of basket need what to use when extraction climb a hand (can make with lead wire) , the mouth of basket gives need galvanized wire to plunge into close.

5. looks for the bar specification of Shanghai Airline to want to take the chance on pet in airport hall, do baggage to consign the Shanghai Airline that is sure to keep in mind not to run to road of airport freight transport place, what deal with over there is goods consign and not be baggage consign, it is OK to do baggage to consign if be conduction goods,consign randomly need not look for the emissary that protect a flower at all, if the proof is all ready,can do at any time again, but in that way baby knows the machine on what with respect to otherwise look for the emissary that protect a flower to take away as far as possible so, such treasure Becquerel just enter transmission area with arriving before taking off 40 minutes all the time you can accompany him a little while more.

6. next you wipe away tears next buildings go looking for bus car it is very important to have a bit: Freight is the storehouse that do not have oxygen, pet can be cast aside dead! ! Must have oxygen storehouse

If 7. is discrepancy condition, still must deal with the formalities of a few above all, arrive before leave the country " port of leave a country uses a plant " quarantine mechanism signs up for check, offer concerned certificate, if vaccinal inject proves,wait. Classics quarantine is eligible, sign and issue " animal health credentials " , go out to close and enter the quarantine proof when country of the other side as pet. Next, with connection of embassy of country of the other side, in order to check the exact requirement of that country. Flourishing thinks, vet is being asked to do single censoring to pet before leave a country is very necessary, giving pet inject hydrophobic vaccine is very important.

If 8. is Europe, "The plane carries pet " still need " 3 card " healthy certificate: The healthy letter that sends inside before leave a country 48 hours ability is effective, sign and issue by vet; Leave the country certificate: Get from the concerned branch of pet of native registration book leave the country effectively certificate. Should mention expressly on certificate in the past in two years, this pet resides a dwelling place not to have contagion popularity. In addition, still have " hydrophobic immune inject card "

Charge and relevant provision

10, who knows pet cat is dealt with is consigning to consign cost?

Generally speaking pet consigns charge to be between 100-200, different of course airline level is different, the price also compares the likelihood with some heavier pet a few more expensive, usually 200 OK.

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