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日常工作是指我们在日常生活中需要完成的各种任务和职责,无论是在职业上还是在家庭生活中。这些工作包括一系列定期进行的活动,如上班、完成工作项目、处理邮件、参加会议以及完成家庭 chores。日常工作有助于维护生活的稳定性和秩序,使个人和家庭能够高效地运作。


Daily tasks - 日常任务

Routine - 日常工作

Work schedule - 工作安排

Responsibilities - 责任

Meeting - 会议

Email - 邮件

Project - 项目

Deadline - 截止日期

Appointment - 预约

To-do list - 待办事项清单


Daily work forms the foundation of our everyday lives, encompassing the tasks and responsibilities that keep our lives organized and functional. These tasks can range from professional duties to personal chores, each contributing to the smooth operation of our daily routine.

In a professional setting, daily work involves completing assignments, attending meetings, and managing communication. Following a structured work schedule helps ensure that deadlines are met and goals are achieved. Efficient handling of daily tasks contributes to productivity and job satisfaction, fostering a positive work environment.

At home, daily work includes activities like cooking, cleaning, and managing household finances. These tasks, though sometimes routine, are essential for maintaining a comfortable living space and ensuring that the family functions smoothly. Effective management of daily chores helps in reducing stress and maintaining balance in family life.

Overall, daily work is crucial in maintaining order and efficiency both in professional and personal spheres. It helps individuals stay organized, meet their goals, and contribute to the overall well-being of their environment. By effectively managing daily responsibilities, individuals can achieve a balanced and productive life.

日常工作是我们日常生活的基础,包括保持生活有序和高效运作的各种任务和职责。这些任务从职业工作到个人 chores 各不相同,每一项都对日常生活的顺利进行至关重要。


在家庭中,日常工作包括烹饪、清洁和管理家庭财务。这些任务虽然有时显得单调,但对维持一个舒适的生活空间和确保家庭的顺利运作至关重要。有效地管理日常 chores 有助于减少压力,保持家庭生活的平衡。



❶ 请复印这些文件。Please make copies of these documents.

同类表达 Please run off these documents.

❷ 记得把这些电子邮件抄送给我。Be sure to CC me on these e-mails.

同类表达 Don't forget to forward the emails to other departments. 别忘了把邮件转发给其他部门。

❸ 能帮我把这份文件传真一下吗?Would you please fax this document for me?

同类表达 Could you please fax this document? 能把这个文件传真一下吗?

Please fax this document to the head office. 请把这份文件传真到总部。

❹ 屏幕不动了。The screen is frozen.

同类表达 The computer has a virus. 这台电脑中病毒了。

I can't get into my file. 我打不开文件了。

❺ 我电脑死机了。My computer is frozen.

同类表达 My computer just crashed. 我电脑死机了。

❻ 这台打印机出故障了。This printer is out of order.

同类表达 The copy machine doesn't work. 这台复印机出故障了。

❼ 你能帮我查一下我的日程安排吗?Could you please check my schedule for me?

对话 A: Lucy, could you please check my schedule for me? 露西,你能帮我查一下我的日程安排吗?

B: Well, you have a meeting at 1:00 p.m.. 好,你下午一点钟有个会。

❽ 你能帮我打一下这份报告吗?Could you please type this report for me?

同类表达 Which font should I use? 我应该用什么字体?

❾ 这些文件在六点前要打好。I need these documents typed up by six.

同类表达 I'll have it typed up right away. 我马上就打好。

Please double space it. 采用双倍行距。

❿ 打印机需要墨粉。The printer needs ink.

同类表达 We need a new ink cartridge for the printer. 我们的打印机需要新的墨盒。

下一篇:翻译辨析:rocking the boat 不能照字面译