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大自然的语言? “大自然的语言”共写了大自然的几种语言?英文双语对照


大自然的语言? “大自然的语言”共写了大自然的几种语言?英文双语对照




“《大自然的语言》中共写了四种语言,分别是: 白云、蚂蚁——天气 白云高飘,明天便晴。 蚂蚁搬家,就要下雨。 蝌蚪、大雁——季节 蝌蚪水中戏,春天就来到。 大雁南飞,秋来到。 大树、年轮——年龄 大树年轮,一年一圈。 大鱼鱼鳞,一圈一岁。 化石、漂砾——变迁 拥有海洋生物化石的高山,曾是冰川...”





































































8、天色亮一亮,河水涨一丈。 红云变黑云,必有大雨淋。

9、天上豆英云,地上晒死人。 日落乌云涨,半夜听雨响。






























One, the language of nature?

This is a scientific essay. From reading style to say is demonstrative article, from writing the purpose says, introduce logic. Said to be full of literary sex again from creation method. So this view is right. Language of beautiful sweet bird, careless long warbler flies, the language that is nature is to be in cite case.

2, " the language of nature " a few kinds of languages that wrote nature in all?

"" the language of nature " the Communist Party of China wrote 4 kinds of languages, it is respectively: Bai Yun, ant -- weather Bai Yun waves high, tomorrow fine. Ant moves, be about to rain. Tadpole, wild goose -- the play in seasonal tadpole water, spring comes. Fly south wild goose, autumn come. Large tree, annual ring -- the age cultivates annual ring greatly, a year of circuit. Big fish scale, circuit is one year old. Fossil, boulder -- the high mountain that changes has marine biology fossil, ever was glacier. . . ..

Patulous knowledge: The language of nature " the scientific essay that is creation of Ke Zhen of contemporary scientist, educationist Zhu. This article introduced phonology and the boy or girl friend that its study racily popularly, elaborated the concerned element of phonology phenomenon advent and the meaning that study phonology and knowledge, showed the character of phonology and essence. Full text used the rhetorical technique of a variety of personification and analogy integratedly, dramatic image, concise and easy to read and understand and exact, vivid, administrative levels understands the language, consecution is clear, consequently straightaway

3, what language does the language of nature have?

The language of nature has a lot of kinds, for example the language that all sorts of natural phenomenon place on the chemical signal between the language between the animal, plant and earth convey. Among them, the language between the animal is most extensive with form of complex a kind of language. The language between the animal includes to make a variety of forms, for example sound (like twitter, bleat sound) , limbs language (if feline Mi shakes,the tail expresses dissatisfactory etc) , of chemical material release and shake etc. The language between the plant is carry chemical material release have information communication, have cooperation and defence thereby. And the language that natural phenomenon place conveys is to pass the generation of the natural phenomenon such as earthquake, lightning to undertake information is delivered with communication. Anyhow, there is multiform language in nature, they are the indispensable one part in nature, lived to provide important support with development for ours.

4, the language that collects nature?

The language of nature animal:

1. supersonic language, undertake with ultrasonic communication is contacted. In inky night, bat gives out ultrasonic to catch a mosquito; Dolphin talks through ultrasonic and companion, discussion problem. Interesting is, when dolphin chats, return complaisant, one is told, another attentive listen, not informal cut in.

2. motion language, make connection signal with the movement. When the bee is seeking nectar source, according to the far and near of the direction of nectar source and distance, from time to time jumps " round dance " , from time to time jumps " 8 words dance " , from time to time jumps " jive " , the appearance that use dance will direct a companion to collect nectar.

Colour language, transmit message with the colour of oneself. Male peacock is when courtship, won't say honey-tongued, reveal its beautiful feather however with spread its tail, with earning the opposite sex love.

3. odour language. Use odour to come namely signal. Have pest of a kind of female, when be harmed by the enemy, go up to release a kind of faint smell personally, come covering companion flees for his life at once. Allegedly, the insect has 100 with what odour will transmit signal a variety of.

5, the language of nature (proverbial) ?

Will judge the farmer's proverb of weather according to all sorts of behavior of the animal:

The Wen Chan in rain cries, premonitory sunshine arrives.

Early Qiu Wen Chan cries, late Qiu greets pluvial field.

Spadger store up is fed should fall snow.

Ant base nest should fall rain.

The fish dives, rain comes.

Swallow is low fly should fall rain.

Toad unkennel, rain lean firmly.

Tide of curvature of the spinal column, rain million.

The earthworm mounts a road, rainwater chaos is like hemp.

Loach is static, weather fine.

The pig holds grass, cold wave arrives.

Chicken lodges for the night behindhand, duck cries happily, harships arrives before long.

Will judge weather to reach according to 24 solar term sow, reap, the farmer's proverb of results:

Rain makes tomb-sweeping day, work solstitial red-letter day.

Pure Brightness is early, grain Full is late, grain Rain is planted cotton timely.

Pure Brightness scraped grace mound ground, drop drop is pulled pull 45.

Pure Brightness wants a fine, grain Rain wants to drench. Grain Rain does not have rain, cry later rain.

Pure Brightness fine, domestic animals is promoted; Pure Brightness rain, caustic 100 fruit.

Grain Rain has rain Zhao Yu is much, grain Rain comes without rainwater late.

The Beginning of Summer does not fall, mulberry old wheat stops.

East wind of the Beginning of Summer arrives, in wheat water waterlogged.

The Beginning of Summer arrives Grain Full, kind what is not late also.

The Beginning of Summer blows flatus, wheaten all in vain.

Grain Full around, kind melon is planted beans.

Grain Full warm complacently, v hoe wheat is planted food grains other than wheat and rice.

Crossed Grain Full 10 days to plant, 10 days are not planted all in vain.

Grain in Ear is not planted, come to nothing afterwards.

Wheat of Grain in Ear comes on stage, on Qiu Geng follow closely.

Grain in Ear blows north wind, drought breaks young crops.

The Summer Solstice does not have heat of pluvial the three ten-day periods of the hot season, the Limit of Heat is god-given 10 days of shade.

The Summer Solstice does not have rain, rice is not had in store up.

Modao heats up solstitial future, solstitial future Mo Daohan.

The Summer Solstice has heat of wind the three ten-day periods of the hot season, heavy Yang Moyu one winter fine.

The Summer Solstice enters the day in volt, agrarian cropland resembles is water irrigates garden.

The Summer Solstice blows east wind, half moon water will rush.

Slight Heat is not planted potato, establish volt to be not planted beans.

Slight Heat wind is not moved, what frost comes is late.

Great Heat arrives the Beginning of Autumn, accumulate dung to arrive cropland head.

The Beginning of Autumn does not have rain, autumnal little rain; White Dew does not have rain, 100 days do not have frost.

Cloud of the Limit of Heat of the Beginning of Autumn hits grass, cropland of secant of White Dew the autumnal equinox.

The Beginning of Autumn has pluvial all, the Beginning of Autumn closes without rain half autumn.

Drench of the Beginning of Autumn drenchs, good crop of the coming year.

The Limit of Heat is planted high mountain, white Dew is planted level land, the autumnal equinox is planted outside the door, cold Dew is planted river bay.

Head autumn drought, reduce an in part, rain of the Limit of Heat, expensive be like gold.

White open air enrages a fine, millet is like silver.

White Dew is early, cold Dew is late, the autumnal equinox is planted wheat the right season or time.

The autumnal equinox is not cut, frost hits windmill.

Millet of the autumnal equinox is cut must not, cold Dew millet is raised must not.

Commissariat risks pointed cotton to pile mountain, cold Dew does not forget to cross the land

6, the configuration language of nature?

1, swallow is low flying snake corridor, heavy rain comes before long. Alpenglow does not go out, afterglow travel a thousand li. A kind of green tea has wind and rain before long, rain of the calm after rain is ceaseless.

2, the cloud is downhill, the ground does not work. The cloud wrings the cloud, drench drenchs. Do not blow east wind not rain, do not blow west wind not fine.

3, star is close, star of drip-drop drop; is rare, star of good weather; bright, star of; of some day fine blinks, rain does not rise. Loach jumps, rain comes to; loach static, weather fine.

4, dragonfly group circles a sky, 3 days of rain are drizzly nevertheless. South wind is afraid of water be addicted to, north wind is afraid that day is hot. Winter wheat builds three-layer by, pillow of the coming year is worn the steamed bread sleeps.

5, solar halo 3 more rain, wind of lunar halo the period of the day from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. . Lunar halo and wind, plinth embellish and rain. The morning is misty, fine as before. Water jar perspires toad cries, before long will heavy rain arrives.

6, first 3 first 4 waxing moon, reunion 66 months. Government looks sun differentiate on the west east, night hopes north is fought know north south. Dragonfly is low bank of flying all corners of the country, be about to rain is in before.

7, flying Apsaras of wild goose north will be warm, gas returns to turn south swallow cold. Spider knot sets upright a net, the day is about to have rain.

8, colour of sky is bright, river water goes up one a unit of length. Gong Yun blackens the cloud, have big drench surely.

9, ethereal beans Ying Yun, the the dead is basked in on the ground. Sunset black clouds goes up, hear pluvial sound in the middle of the night.

7, the language of depict nature?

Layer hill alarm is emerald green, heavy clouds goes out on.

Wet smooth two sides is broad, wind one sail is dangerous.

Chun Laina national flower is like embroider, rain crosses west lake water to be like oil.

Artful photo of official of Dong Ge man, the west lake is in person clever lifelike.

Outside guest road green hill, before travel boat green water.

Random flower gradually desire glamorous look, shallow careless ability does not have horse's hoof.

Layer hill alarm is emerald green, heavy clouds goes out on.

Flying Ge Liudan, face below without the ground.

Yu Zhou sings evening, of noisy poor Peng Li bank.

Wild goose blast Jing is cold, sound breaks Heng Yang's riverside.

Bairi depends on hill to use up, the Yellow River enters ocean current.

1000 hill bird flies absolutely, footprint of person of 10 thousand diameter destroys.

Below the Dong Li that collect chrysanthemum, see carefreely south hill

Smoke of big desert Gu is straight, endless flow setting sun is round.

The paragraph of depict nature:

Interior roam: Sleeve of cool breeze stroke passes, string sound strokes musical instrument to be born. Those who be far from a city is blatant, be far from lay buckish, a Sukhavati of the heart is found here -- Ping Rujing's surface is here sanatorium, handsome and delicate mountain peak is here have a rest, quiet forest is sucked here, gao Fei's bird is here roam, the sky of azure blue is pulling Bai Yun affectionately to look at this harmonious earth. Harmonious, of happy person, of Ning Mi, moving, affectionate, aftertaste of for a long time.

8, the language section of nature?

The first paragraph: Tell us nature also has his character.

The 2nd paragraph: We can discern through the character of nature direction, observe weather or understand geological change.

The 3rd paragraph: Tell us how to know the character of nature.

Do not know whether the small hole that enters monarch.

9, the language abbreviate of nature?

You see each tiny spot of the sky, each cobble on the ground, on stone lichenous.

You see the ant on the ground, busy move moves, go out should carry umbrella; You see tadpole swim in water, nature is writing on surface: Spring comes to the world; You see wild goose Na Fei, nature is writing on blue sky: The autumn is before; Do not love study do not understand forever, of carelessness lose sight of forever.

10, the language gist of nature?

"The language of nature " those who point to is " content awaits a phenomenon " specific the activity of the animal in pointing to water and ethereal fowl, reporting to people the advent of a certain season. This is figurative view, also nature personate. Appear novel and have interest, the curiosity that arouses a reader and read interest.

" the language of nature " the scientific essay that is creation of Ke Zhen of contemporary scientist, educationist Zhu. This article introduced phonology and the boy or girl friend that its study racily popularly, elaborated the concerned element of phonology phenomenon advent and the meaning that study phonology and knowledge, showed the character of phonology and essence. Full text used the rhetorical technique of a variety of personification and analogy integratedly, dramatic image, concise and easy to read and understand and exact, vivid, administrative levels understands the language, consecution is clear, consequently straightaway.
