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不管成绩怎样,没有什么优生差生的区别。家长们知道,每一个小孩都是种子,只是每个人花期不同,有的花一开始,就绚丽绽放;而有的花, 却需要漫长的等待。





 01. 影响孩子成绩的主要因素不是学校,而是家庭。

02. 如果家庭教育出了问题,孩子在学校就可能会过的比较辛苦,孩子很可能会成为学校的“问题儿童”。

03. 成绩好的孩子,妈妈通常是有计划而且动作利落的人。父亲越认真,越有条理,越有礼貌,孩子成绩就越好。


04. 贫穷是重要的教育资源,但并非越贫穷越有利于孩子的成长。做父母的,需要为孩子提供基本的文化资料,不让孩子陷入人穷志短的自卑深渊。

05. 富裕是另一种更高级的教育资源,西方人的经验是:“培育一个贵族需要三代人的努力。”“阶层是会遗传的。”但是,更高级的教育资源需要有更高级的教育技艺,如果没有更高级的教育技艺,富裕的家庭反而会给孩子的成长带来灾难。

06. 不要做有知识没文化的家长。有些人有高学历,但不见得有文化。如果家长不懂得生活,不知道善待他人,甚至不懂得善待自己的孩子,无论他拥有多高的学术水平,他也是没有文化的人。

07. 父母可以把孩子作为世界的中心,但是不要忘了父母也要过独立的生活。如果父母完全围绕孩子转而没有了自己的生活主题,这样的父母常常会以爱的名义干扰孩子的成长。有时侯,并不是孩子离不开父母,而是父母离不开孩子。

08. 父母需要承担教育孩子的责任,不过,也不要因为教育孩子而完全取消了自己的休闲生活。“没有责任感伤害别人,太有责任感伤害自己。”

9. 如果孩子一哭闹父母就赶紧抱起孩子,那么,孩子就会利用父母的这个特点经常纠缠父母,提出更多的要求。所以,孩子哭闹,不要着急把孩子抱起来,父母最好让自己有事情做,让孩子看着自己动作麻利地做事。

10. 夫妻关系影响孩子的性格。一个男人如果不尊重他的妻子,那么,他的儿子就学会了在学校不尊重他的女同学。一个女人如果不尊重她的丈夫,那么,她的女儿就学会了在学校瞧不起她的男同学。


11. 教育就是培育人的精神长相。家长和教师的使命就是让孩子逐步对自己的精神长相负责任,去掉可能沾染的各种污秽,培育人身上的精神“种子”,让人可以呼吸高山空气,让人可以扬眉吐气。

12. 有修养的父母是“伏尔泰主义者”,“我不同意你的观点,但我誓死捍卫你说话的权利”。他们从孩子出生的那天就开始跟孩子讲道理,耐心的征求孩子的意见。不要指望打骂孩子就能让孩子学会服从。杀鸡给猴看的结果是:猴子也学会了杀鸡。

13. 让孩子成为既有激情又有理智的人。“没有激情,任何伟业都不可能善始,没有理智,任何壮举都不能善终。”

14. 让你的孩子成为有教养的人,有教养从守时,排队,在公共场合不大声说话,不轻易发怒开始。

15. 做人要厚道。如果你的孩子比较厚道,请不要嘲笑他的软弱。喜欢占小便宜的人,往往吃大亏,因为他被别人厌恶。愿意吃小亏的人,将来会占大便宜,因为他被人喜欢。

16. 身体的活力能够带来精神的活力。身体好的人,性格阳光。身体不好的人,做事犹犹豫豫,躲躲闪闪,说话吞吞吐吐。

17. 不要以为孩子1到6岁只是长身体的年龄。如果父母让孩子1到6岁在祖父母或外祖父母那里度过,等到孩子6岁时父母再把孩子接回来上小学,那么,这个孩子在小学要么成为默默无语的沉默者,要么成为无法无天的捣乱者。


18. 经常和孩子一起做三件事:一是和孩子一起进餐,二是邀请孩子一起修理玩具,家具或衣物,偶尔邀请孩子帮忙解决工作中的困难。三是给孩子讲故事并邀请孩子自己讲故事。

19. 如果没有特别困难,父母最好每天赶回家和孩子一起进餐。家庭的共同价值观,就在全家人围着一张桌子吃饭的过程中建立起来。

20. 给孩子讲故事并邀请孩子自己讲故事,让孩子从听故事开始建立阅读和写作习惯,让孩子尽早学会独立阅读,尽早养成终身阅读的习惯。“只要还在读书的人,就不会彻底堕落,彻底堕落的人是不读书的。”从来不给孩子讲故事的父母,是不负责任的父母。

21. 孩子的成长有三个关键期:第一个在3岁前后,第二个在9岁前后,第三个在13岁前后。如果错过了成长的关键期,后患无穷。


Without giving thought to achievement how, without what prepotent difference is distinguished unripely. Parents know, each child is a seed, it is everybody only florescence is different, some flowers at the beginning, flowery blossom; And some flowers, need to await endlessly however.

Never mind the flower that stares at others, wanting those who fasten a family to feel is good forever, believe the flower has his florescence, attentive caress, look at him little ground grows, this why is not a kind of happiness. Perhaps your seed does not blossom forever, because he is a ginseng,the day is cultivated greatly.

Our country has a such teachers, the class of a when he takes 55 people, 37 people are taken an examination of into Tsinghua, Beijing University, 10 people enter the world name school such as Cantabrigian university, Yale, Oxford to win sum scholarship, other check answer day, south wait for an university. Not only such, webpage of school football champion, school games total champion, school designs contest total champion to wait for 6 style champion, be snatched by this class; Ace of ace of musical talent, controversy, computer wonder, taekwondo is in this class cans be found everywhere.

   He also is a quite successful father, his daughter also is admitted by Beijing University with outstanding achievement. He is countrywide outstanding teacher, battle of gold of king of teacher of mathematics of attached middle school of National People's Congress.

It is the educational experience that Mr. Wang sums up below, suggest every parents is spent strongly about 3 minutes time is read, savour regular meeting carefully to benefit a lot!

 01.  The main factor that affects child result is not the school, however family.

02.  If domestic education gave an issue, the comparison that the child may cross in the school is painstaking, the child can become the school probably " problem children " .

03.  The child with good achievement, mom is in a planned way normally and the person with agile movement. Father is more serious, more systimatic, more polite, child achievement is better.


04.  Poverty is important educational natural resources, but be not those who jump over poverty to be helpful for the child more to grow. Do father and mother, need provides basic culture data for the child, do not let the child be immersed in the self-abased abyss with person poor short keep in mind.

05.  Rich it is another kind of higher education natural resources, the experience of Hesperian is: "Breed a noble to need the effort of 3 acting people. " " estate is meeting heredity. " but, higher educational natural resources needs to have higher educational skill, if do not have higher educational skill, wealthy family can give growing belt of the child to come instead catastrophic.

06.  Do not do the parent that knowledge does not have culture. Some people have tall record of formal schooling, but not likely is literate. If the parent does not know the life, do not know to be kind to other, do not know the child that is kind to oneself even, no matter he has much higher learning level, he also is the person that does not have culture.

07.  Parents can regard the center of the world as the child, but the life that did not forget parents also has wanted independence. If parents is complete,did not have oneself life theme, such parents often meets what disturb the child with the name of love to grow. Have accession, not be the child cannot leave parents, however parents cannot leave the child.

08.  Parents needs to assume the responsibility that teachs the child, nevertheless, because teach the child,also do not want and cancelled oneself recreational life completely. "Harm others without sense of responsibility, too responsible sentiment kills him. Too responsible sentiment kills him..

9.  If the child cries,be troubled by parents to drive the child since hug, so, the child often pesters parents with respect to this characteristic that can use parents, raise more requirements. So, the child cries be troubled by, not anxious adopt the child rise, parents had better let him the thing is done, let the child look at him movement to work deftly.

10.  Spouse concern affects the child's disposition. If a man does not respect his wife, so, his son learned not to respect his female fellow student in the school. If a woman does not respect her husband, so, her daughter learned to be in the school look down upon her male fellow student.


11.  Teach even if breed mental appearance of the person. The mission of the parent and teacher makes the child progressively bear the blame to his mental appearance namely, all sorts of defilement that take out may be infected with, the spirit that fosters person to go up " seed " , make a person OK breathe high mountain air, make a person OK feel proud and elated.

12.  Cultured parents is " Fu Ertai creed person " , "I do not agree with your viewpoint, but defend of my dare to die the right that you talk " . They began what be born to tell a truth with the child that day from the child, seek the child's opinion patiently. Do not want a hope to beat and scold the child to be able to let the child learn obedience. Reducing the result that chicken sees to monkey is: The monkey also learned to kill chicken.

13.  Let the child become the person that already passion has reason again. "Without passion, any great exploit are impossible be apt to only then, without reason, any feat cannot die a natural death. Any feat cannot die a natural death..

14.  The child that lets you becomes cultured person, cultured from time keeping, queue up, do not talk aloud in communal circumstance, do not be angry easily begin.

15.  Be an upright person should honest and kind. If your child is more honest and kind, do not mock his weakness please. Like to take the person of petty gain, often eat to have a deficit greatly, because he is detested by others. Be willing to eat small deficient person, can occupy defecate appropriate in the future, because he is liked.

16.  The vigor of the body can bring mental vitality. The person with nice body, nature sunshine. The person with bad body, work hesitant, shifty-eyed, conversation hesitates in speech.

17.  Do not think the child the 1 age that just grows the body to 6 years old. If parents lets the child 1 spend over grandparent or grandfather mother to 6 years old, when the parents when the child is 6 years old receives the child again come back to go up elementary school, so, this child is become in elementary school or speechless silent person, or becomes inordinate marplot.


18.  Often do 3 things together with the child: It is dine together with the child, 2 it is to invite the child to repair a toy together, furniture or clothings, now and then invite the child to help the difficulty in solving the job. 3 it is to give child taletelling to invite him child taletelling.

19.  If do not have special difficulty, parents had better drive the home and a child to dine together everyday. Collective viewpoint of value of the family, build in the process that has a meal round a piece of table in family person.

20.  Give the child taletelling and invite him child taletelling, let the child from listen to a story to begin to build read and compose a habit, let the child learn to be read independently as early as possible, as early as possible lifelong reading is used to nurturance. "Want the person that still reading only, won't degenerate thoroughly, complete reprobate does not read. " the father and mother that does not give the child taletelling, it is irresponsible parents.

21.  Of the child grow have 3 key period: The first is in 3 years old of around, the 2nd is in 9 years old of around, the 3rd is in 13 years old of around. If missed the key that grow period, future trouble is boundless.

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