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1.Inquiry - 询问

2.Response - 回应

3.Feedback - 反馈

4.Outcome - 结果

5.Reply - 答复

6.Information - 信息

7.Data - 数据

8.Report - 报告

9.Conclusion - 结论

10.Update - 更新

11.Clarification - 澄清

12.Verification - 验证

13.Acknowledgment - 确认

14.Assessment - 评估

15.Result - 结果


Inquiring about results is a fundamental aspect of communication and decision-making processes. Whether it's a student awaiting grades, a business seeking feedback on a product, or a researcher analyzing data, the outcome of an inquiry can significantly influence future actions. It is crucial to ask the right questions and to ensure that the responses received are clear and precise. This not only helps in making informed decisions but also in building trust and credibility. For instance, a company may conduct a survey to understand customer satisfaction levels, and the results could guide product development or marketing strategies. Similarly, a student's inquiry about their academic performance can lead to improvements in study habits. In all cases, the essence of inquiry lies in its ability to provide insights that are actionable and meaningful.



❶ 我很想知道面试的结果。I'm anxious to know the outcome of the interview.

❷ 面试官对你的表现怎么说?What did the interviewer say about your performance?

同类表达 Do you have any comments on my performance today? 您对我今天的表现有何评价?

❸ 面试怎么样?How was the interview?

这样回答 They said they would contact me by next Friday. 他们说下周五之前会联系我。

❹ 我希望你们能给我一个肯定的答复。I hope you'll give me a positive reply.

同类表达 I think I presented quite well in this interview. 我觉得我这次面试表现很不错。

❺ 您对我在面试中的表现还满意吗?Are you satisfied with my performance in the interview?

同类表达 Can I get the job? 我能得到这份工作吗?

❻ 我能有机会为贵公司效力吗?Could I have a chance to work for you?

对话 A: Could I have a chance to work for you? 我能有机会为贵公司效力吗?

B: I need to consider all the applicants. 我需要综合考虑所有应聘者。

❼ 面试的结果出来了吗?Have you made any decision concerning the position?

同类表达 I am just calling to follow up on the status of the Sales Manager position. 我打电话只是想跟进一下销售经理这个职位的招聘状况。

❽ 我们还没有做出最后的决定。We haven't made our final decisions.

这样提问 Do you have any idea when you might arrive at a decision? 您知道什么时候会做出决定吗?

❾ 我真心希望您能给我一个在贵公司工作的机会。I really hope you can give me a chance to work in your company.

同类表达 If you need to know more about me, please call me at any time. 如果您还想进一步了解我,请随时打电话给我。

❿ 您说过会在今天之前会回复我面试的结果。You mentioned that you would reply to me concerning the outcome of the interview by today.

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