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1. 制定目标:训练前应该明确目标,例如增加肌肉力量、提高耐力等等。

    2. 选择适当的运动项目:不同的运动项目对身体素质的要求不同,应该根据自己的特长和兴趣选择适合自己的运动项目。

    3. 运动前的准备:运动前必须进行充分的热身,以免受伤。








1. 热身:进行5-10分钟的有氧运动,如跑步、跳绳、慢速单车等,以增加身体的温度和血液循环。

2. 大肌群训练:进行大肌群的训练,如深蹲、卧推、硬拉等,以激发全身肌肉的力量。

3. 小肌群训练:进行小肌群的训练,如俯卧撑、引体向上、卷腹等,以增强身体的稳定性和平衡性。

4. 辅助训练:进行辅助训练,如臂弯举、侧平板支撑、颈后臂曲等,以锻炼特定肌肉群。

5. 拉伸放松:进行5-10分钟的拉伸放松,以缓解肌肉疲劳和紧张,促进肌肉恢复和生长。

















力量训练是指通过身体克服阻力以达到强健肌肉目的的一种运动方式,力量训练属于无氧运动。 力量训练是通过多次多组有节奏的负重练习达到改善肌肉群力量、耐力和形状的运动方式。力量训练的训练方法以爆发力和身体整体力量为主,训练也主要采取大重量的方式进行。力量训练的主要项目有训炼背部肌肉力量的引体向上、训炼胸部肌肉力量的哑铃卧推或哑铃飞鸟、训炼腿部肌肉力量的杠铃深蹲、训炼肩部肌肉力量的杠铃或哑铃推举、训练臂部肌肉力量的杠或哑铃铃弯举、训练腹部肌肉力量的仰卧起坐。 力量训练符合无氧运动的功效和特征。无氧运动最主要的功效是能增强肌肉力量和增加肌肉围度,其突出特征是运动时氧气的摄取量非常低,即由于速度过快及爆发力过猛,人体内的糖分来不及经过氧气分解,而不得不依靠“无氧供能”。力量训练的功效完全和无氧运动一致,而其注重爆发力也和无氧运动的吻合,所以力量训练的确是属于无氧运动的。



刚性基础:是指抗压强度较高,而抗弯和抗拉强度较低的材料建造的基础。所用材料有混凝土、砖、毛石、灰土、三合土等,一般可用于六层及其以下的民用建筑和墙承重的轻型厂房。常用的砖、灰土 、混凝土、三合土、毛石等,属于刚性材料,抗压大,抗拉、弯、剪差,由刚性材料制作的基础称为刚性基础。柔性基础:用抗拉和抗弯强度都很高的材料建造的基础称为柔性基础。一般用钢筋混凝土制作。这种基础适用于上部结构荷载比较大、地基比较柔软、用刚性基础不能满足要求的情况。用抗拉、抗压、抗弯、抗剪均较好的钢筋混凝土材料做基础(不受刚性角的限制),这样的就是柔性基础了。用于地基承载力较差、上部荷载较大、设有地下室且基础埋深较大的建筑.









建议如下: 要耐力,还是跑步最好,这是一个最简便最可行的让全身活动的运动方式,长度5000内,可以循序渐进,不要急于求成,第一天跑1000米



很多人一到健身房就会先做各种有氧运动,如30分钟跑步跳45分钟有氧操。然後再去做些无氧运动。这样其实是大部分人的错误观念,而且是应该把这个先后次序倒转,正确应该是先做力量训练,然後才做带氧运动。先做有氧会消耗大量的糖原、到真正要做负重运动,重训的时候便会比较吃力,没有足够的能量让你支撑。会让你疲惫、发挥不到应有的状态了,所以,最後所训练出来的强度就会较平时低,对肌肉的刺激减少。把力量训练放在有氧之前,无论是对于减脂还是锻炼的效率都要更高。所以,如果你一开始便做带氧运动,最初的20-30分钟会消耗了我们的肌糖 ,当你在做力量训练时,通常情况下你都是在用糖原作为然料。你先做力量训练的话,可以燃烧掉你体内储存的大部分糖原。在力量训练之后再做有氧运动,会燃烧更多的脂肪,先做有氧运动会影响力量训练的力度和效果。





























Lay training plan without fundamental sports?

1.Make a target: The target should be made clear before training, increase muscle power for example, raise endurance to wait a moment.

   2. Choose proper athletic project: Different athletic project is different to the requirement of fitness, should fit oneself athletic project according to his specialty and interest choice.

   3. The preparation before motion: Sufficient warm up must undertake before motion, lest get hurt.

4. increases training strength gradually: Training intensity should increase gradually, get hurt in order to avoid what excessive training brings about and fatigue.

Breathing space of 5. reasonable arrangement: Training hind should give the body sufficient breathing space, so that the body restores,mix grow.

6. insists to train: Insist to train only, ability achieves anticipated result.

7. notices food: Sports gives birth to training to need much energy and nutrient material, should notice reasonable food is tie-in.

8. pays close attention to psychological quality: Sports gives birth to training to want to pay close attention to fitness not only, pay close attention to psychological quality even, include control of self-confident heart, dedicated force, pressure to wait a moment

Is what fitness trains without oxygen force ordinal?

About this problem, the order that trains without oxygen force should be:

1.Warm up: Undertake 5-10 minute motion having oxygen, be like ran, skip, slow fast bicycle, in order to increase the temperature of the body and haemal circulation.

2.Big muscle group train: Undertake big muscle group training, if crouch greatly, lie push, pull forcedly etc, in order to invoke systemic sarcous power.

3.Small flesh group train: Undertake small flesh group training, be like push-up, pull-up, roll the abdomen, in order to enhance the stability of the body and balance sex.

4.Assist training: Undertake assisting training, if brachial turn is lifted, side flat is propped up, music of the arm after the neck, in order to exercise specific muscle group.

5.Drawing loosens: Undertake 5-10 minute drawing is loosened, in order to alleviate muscle exhaustion and insecurity, stimulative muscle restores and grow.

Do 10 large bases train street fitness?

Does this problem answer basically hold: of the following content?

Does 0 foundations gym train a plan?

Have the following plan

Plan one: Everyday oxygen moves half hour above

Before beginning fitness, we are necessary to clear up motion having oxygen and the distinction that move without oxygen, because this matters to us to make target of what kind of training, and do what kind of motion to achieve a goal. If oneself want to reduce fat, rate of fat allowing system is reduced

So, we need to do exercise having oxygen more, and assure be in everyday half hour above, just have the effect that lights fat, help us throw meat of surplus go to live in the household of one's in-laws on getting married.

Have oxygen campaign: The case that human body supplies adequately in oxygen issues the physical training that undertake. Its campaign time is longer (make an appointment with 15 minutes or above) , athletic intensity is in medium or medium the degree that go up (the biggest heartbeat is 75% to 85%) , canter for instance, shuttlecock, dance etc.

The motion that do not have oxygen is to point to: In athletic process, the metabolism of the body is quickened, acceleration metabolization needs to waste more energy, for instance 100 meters of weight lifting, sprint, tumble.

Plan 2: 3 times muscle practices a week

For not tall to body fat rate disciplinarian, also can do motion having oxygen to improve the health of course, nevertheless, better for pursuit body, we can do training of a few muscle, let oneself more line feels.

To the male, exercise muscle to feel namely, to the female, more depends on model form, undertake taking exercise to the muscle of certain place, concave and convex have the body that send model can show. Nevertheless, muscle training cannot practice every day, lie between a day to undertake, a week is most 3.

Plan 3: Reasonable and tie-in food

"Drill 3 minutes, eat 7 minutes " , to cooperate motion better, we also need to control caloric to absorb, at the same time balanced nutrition. The disciplinarian that adds muscle needs seasonable compensatory and many high grade protein and other nutrition; The disciplinarian that reduces fat must control quantity of heat to absorb, ensure athletic result.

No matter be which kind of training, want compensatory fruit and vegetable, is not to be on a diet to move at the same time at the same time, stomach of so special injury, it is insalubrious.

What calls force training, is force training the motion that do not have oxygen?

Force training is to point to overcome resistance through the body in order to achieve the kind of a kind of motion of able-bodied muscle purpose, force training attributes the movement that do not have oxygen. Force training is to pass what much group has rhythm for many times to load the exercise achieves improvement muscle group the athletic way of force, endurance and appearance. The training method that force trains with erupting force and body whole force are given priority to, training basically also adopts the means of great weight to undertake. The dumbbell of strength of muscle of bosom of refine of the pull-up that the main item of force training has power of muscle of example refine back, example lies push or the barbell of strength of muscle of ministry of leg of refine of dumbbell flyer, example crouchs greatly, ministry of arm of the barbell of strength of muscle of ministry of example refine shoulder or dumbbell choose, training. Force trains the effect that accords with the motion that do not have oxygen and feature. The effect with the mainest movement that do not have oxygen is to be able to strengthen muscle force and increase muscle to surround degree, its highlight the feature is the oxygen when motion to absorb an amount very low, because speed passes to be reached quickly,erupt namely force is too fierce, the candy cent inside human body has not enough time to be decomposed through oxygen, and must rely on " offer without oxygen can " . The effect that force trains is mixed completely the campaign that do not have oxygen is consistent, and its are paid attention to erupt force also is mixed the be identical that moves without oxygen, so force training attributes the movement that do not have oxygen really.

What calls rigid base? What cries flexible foundation?

The foundation of the building gets force characteristic cent by use material: Can divide mix for rigid foundation flexible foundation.

Rigid foundation: It is to show compressive strength is higher, and the foundation that fights the material with turn and inferior tensile strength to build. Place has concrete, brick, rubble, grey land with material, 3 add up to earth to wait, can use at 6 to reach the light-duty factory building that the civil building under its and wall bearing commonly. Commonly used brick, grey earth, concrete, 3 add up to earth, rubble to wait, belong to rigid material, fight pressure big, tension, curved, cut difference, the base that makes by rigid material calls rigid base. Flexible foundation: The base that with tension and bending strength very expensive stuff builds is called flexible foundation. Make with the ferroconcrete commonly. This kind of foundation applies to upside structure load to compare big, foundation to compare the soft, situation that cannot satisfy a requirement with rigid foundation. With tension, fight pressure, defy a turn, fight cut all better ferroconcrete stuff becomes a basis (the limitation that does not get rigid part) , such it is flexible foundation. Use at foundation to bear the weight of force load of poorer, upside is bigger, set basement and the foundation is buried deep older building.

What calls a base?

The foundation is to show building floor bearings below structure, be like base hole, bear bridge of column of stage, frame, ground. The wall that is a building or post enlarge a part in subterranean, its action is to bear the load that building upside structure hands down, and them along with is self-prossessed pass ground together.


1, by use data cent is: Grey land base, brick foundation, rubble foundation, concrete foundation, ferroconcrete foundation.

2, can divide by the deepness that bury buy for: Do not bury type foundation, simple basics, deep foundation. The person that the deepness that bury buy does not exceed 5M calls low base, the person that be more than 5M calls deep base.

3, can divide by function getting power for: Rigid foundation and flexible foundation.

4, can divide by tectonic form it is a form foundation, independent base, full hall foundation and picket foundation. Full hall foundation divides foundation of the form that it is balsa and box form base again.

0 foundations, gymnastical physical ability trains, beg great mind to give plan?

The proposal is as follows: Want staying power, or ran is best, this is the handiest the most feasible motion kind that allows systemic activity, length 5000 inside, can successive, do not be eager to hope for success, the first day runs 1000 meters

Does fitness reduce weight after all to want not to do the training that do not have oxygen?

It is better that fitness does redo of the motion that do not have oxygen to have oxygen motion effect first

A lot of people can do all sorts of exercise having oxygen first to gym, if 30 minutes of rans jump 45 minutes,oxygen is held. Like that after does some of exercise that do not have oxygen again. It is the wrong idea of major person actually so, and be should this early or late order is inverse, correct should be to do force training first, like that after just does the exercise that take oxygen. Do meeting having oxygen to use up many glycogen first, arrive to want to do truly load motion, when weighing example, can take pain to quite, let you prop up without enough energy. Can let your exhaustion, play be less than due condition, so, most the intensity that after place training comes out is met relatively low at ordinary times, to sarcous stimulation decreases. Put force training before having oxygen, no matter be taller to decreasing fat or the efficiency that take exercise to want. So, if you do the exercise that take oxygen at the beginning, original 20-30 minute the inositol that can use up us, when you are doing force to train, normally you are to using glycogen to regard as below the circumstance expect like that. You become the word that force trains first, can light the major glycogen that burn-up stores inside your body. After force trains redo has oxygen campaign, can burn more adipose, do consequence of games having oxygen to measure the strength of training and effect first.

The training of what type does fitness have?


Lie push

Lie pushing is experienced upper limbs, especially the optimal movement of bosom. A lot of movements cannot be likened to other, lie pushing is the most favorite training movement in gym.

Behavioral course: barbell perpendicular on lift to two arms complete unbend, chest muscle is thoroughly contractive, dormant a second, two arms bend slowly, barbell plummet, till bosom of horizontal bar bring into contact with (on the tit) , push up next to start bit


Crouch greatly

Crouching greatly is the Wang Zhe in force and muscle training. Crouch greatly to build leg ministry muscle to have apparent effect to compose not only, return meeting core force to have profit. Crouching greatly is a nucleus simply play, blow up each cell on your body.


Pull forcedly

Be being pulled forcedly is the movement that fitness drills surely, to adding flesh is mixed decrease fat to have without replaceable action!

It can make a head of the whole body and force, press such great strength action forcedly to resembling for, with " those who pull is more, what muscle grows is more " this word will describe more exact. Of choose jump over be choose more to load bigger, but the behavioral pose with this accurate need, such ability can get the biggest gains is mixed avoid to get hurt.



The ace force that pull-up is force of development the upper part of the body and muscle bulk trains one of movements. The training of any gymnastical ace cannot leave this action in menu!

Although look,be like very simple very common very common movement. But the king that force of the upper part of the body that be called by a lot of ace trains!


Qu Shen of parallel bars arm

Qu Shen of parallel bars arm is considered as to exercise the upper part of the body classical one of bare-handed training movements, difficulty is not little also. It can exercise the upper part of the body the muscle of a lot of place, include triceps of chest muscle, humerus and deltoid (toe-int) give priority to, hold experienced flesh back broadness, inclined square flesh concurrently to wait.

This one movement has the function of much effect, different method meets what generation differs exercise the effect. Qu Shen of parallel bars arm also is called upper limbs to crouch greatly, he can stimulate your chest muscle, 3, trigonometry. Help you obtain strong upper limbs.



Row the back after meeting what stimulate you centrally, bring super growth to back!

Back is the exercises the hardest portion on the body probably, barbell rows this is best addition one of motion of back muscle quality, flesh back broadness, big round muscle, lozenge flesh, inclined square flesh bore main negative charge, in addition still exercise 2 muscle.



No matter be dumbbell or barbell, the humeral department that choose can give you brings unapproachable stimulation. This movement is a lot of people when practicing humeral ministry, like most, the most commonly used also movement, also be one of first selection movements that practice deltoid.
