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1. Provide Evidence to Confirm

解释: 这种表达方式强调通过提供证据来验证或确认某个事实或陈述的准确性。

例句: "The researcher provided evidence to confirm that the new drug was effective in treating the disease."

翻译: “研究人员提供了证据来证实新药在治疗该疾病方面是有效的。”

2. Provide Evidence to Prove

解释: 这种表达方式用来强调通过证据来证明某种观点或事实的真实性。

例句: "The defense attorney provided evidence to prove the defendant's innocence."

翻译: “辩护律师提供了证据来证明被告的清白。”

3. Present Evidence to Validate

解释: 这种表达方式侧重于通过证据来验证或确认某个理论、观点或声明的正确性。

例句: "The scientist presented evidence to validate his hypothesis about climate change."

翻译: “科学家提供了证据来验证他关于气候变化的假设。”

4. Offer Evidence to Substantiate

解释: 这种表达方式强调通过提供证据来支持或加强某个主张、论点或声明。

例句: "The journalist offered evidence to substantiate her claims of government corruption."

翻译: “记者提供了证据来证实她对政府腐败的指控。”

5. Furnish Evidence to Demonstrate

解释: 这种表达方式强调通过提供证据来展示或说明某个事实、观点或特征的存在或真实性。

例句: "The business owner furnished evidence to demonstrate that the transactions were legitimate."

翻译: “商店老板提供了证据来证明这些交易是合法的。”

6. Submit Proof to Verify

解释: 这种表达方式用于强调通过提交证明来验证某个声明或事实的真实性。

例句: "The student submitted proof to verify her eligibility for the scholarship."

翻译: “学生提交了证明来验证她获得奖学金的资格。”

7. Show Evidence to Attest

解释: 这种表达方式强调通过展示证据来证明某个事实或声明的真实性。

例句: "The expert showed evidence to attest to the accuracy of the historical data."

翻译: “专家展示了证据来证明历史数据的准确性。”

8. Provide Documentation to Support

解释: 这种表达方式用于强调通过提供文档或相关资料来支持某个论点或声明。

例句: "The applicant provided documentation to support her claims of previous work experience."

翻译: “申请人提供了文档来支持她关于以往工作经验的陈述。”

9. Submit Evidence to Establish

解释: 这种表达方式用于强调通过提交证据来建立某个事实或论点的确凿性。

例句: "The lawyer submitted evidence to establish the defendant’s involvement in the crime."

翻译: “律师提交了证据来确立被告参与犯罪的事实。”

10. Offer Proof to Confirm

解释: 这种表达方式强调通过提供证明来确认某个观点或事实的真实性。

例句: "The researcher offered proof to confirm the accuracy of his experimental results."

翻译: “研究人员提供了证明来确认实验结果的准确性。”

