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华人育儿百科 - 如何科学育儿?英文双语对照


华人育儿百科 - 如何科学育儿?英文双语对照











Yo 100 divisions: Scientific Yo guideline

Chinese Yo 100 divisionsOffer the newest, most comprehensive Yo for you knowledge, help parents are more scientific ground Yo. In Yo in the process, a lot of parents can encounter all sorts of problems, for instance the baby nurses, educational means, teenage psychology is waited a moment, and these problems can be in Yo the solution is found in 100 divisions.

The baby nurses

The person that just becomes father and mother nurses in the baby normally the side is relatively tight with angst, the Yo of because they are likely not clear darling demand. InChinese Yo 100 divisionsIn, we offer major nurse guideline, include the proposal of the respect such as the preventive of feed, Morpheus, health and common disease.

Educational means

Arrive from nursery school teenage period, the child's education gets parental attention fully all the time. Chinese Yo 100 divisionsIntroduced a variety of methods that have education to the child for you, for example education of heuristic education, game formula education, family, help parents finds the educational way that suits him child most.

Teenage psychology

Teenage period is the crucial phase that a child grows, but a lot of parents will be right teenage psychological change feels not know what to do. Chinese Yo 100 divisionsDetailed and analytic teenage psychological characteristic, the psychology that offerred specific aim coachs proposal, help parent answers teenage question better.

Thank you to read the article, believe to pass a content of an article, you can understand better how scientific Yo, help you become better father and mother!
