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Emma doesn't look so great. “艾玛”看起来不怎么样。 Her legs are puffy and covered in varicose veins. Her eyes are flat and dead, and her back looks like she spends her days ringing the bell at Notre-Dame Cathedral. 双腿浮肿,静脉曲张,双眼暗淡无神,后背看起来好像在巴黎圣母院敲了几天的钟。 It's harsh but true. Emma is a life-sized doll depicting what the team think an average office worker in the United Kingdom could look like in 20 years if changes aren't made to the workplace environment. 这是残酷的事实,“艾玛”是一个真人大小的玩偶,研究团队认为如果不改变工作环境,英国普通上班族20年后就会变成她的样子。 For a new report titled The Work Colleague of The Future, a team of health experts led by behavioral futurist William Higham looked at survey data submitted by more than 3,000 office workers in France, Germany, and the UK. 行为未来学家William Higham带领健康专家发表了一篇新的名为“未来同事”的报告,该研究团队研究了3,000多名法国、德国和英国上班族提交的调查数据。

The percentages of UK office workers who said they already suffered from sore eyes (50 percent), sore backs (48 percent), and headaches (48 percent) as a direct result of their work environment informed the design of the sickly Emma, who also suffers from stress-related eczema, excess weight, and swollen limbs. 依照英国上班族中声称受工作环境直接影响已经患有眼睛酸痛(50%)、后背酸痛(48%)和头疼(48%)的人数比例,设计出了这个病态的艾玛,她还患有与压力有关的湿疹、超重和四肢肿胀。 If we don't majorly shake-up the standard office environment, according to Higham, we're headed toward a future rife with Emmas. Higham说如果我们不加大力度改变标准的办公环境,未来就都会像艾玛一样。 "Unless we make radical changes to our working lives, such as moving more, addressing our posture at our desks, taking regular walking breaks, or considering improving our workstation setup, our offices are going to make us very sick," he said, according to The Independent. 他在《独立报》报道中说:“除非我们彻底改变工作习惯,比如多走动、注意在办公桌前的坐姿、定期散步休息或考虑改进我们的工作站设置,否则办公室就会使我们变得病态。” Of course, this isn't a peer-reviewed study, and Fellowes – the office furniture company which commissioned the report – is undoubtedly trying to promote its own products here. But it's still an interesting concept looking into exactly what our office spaces could be doing to our bodies. 当然这并非同行评审研究,而是受办公家具公司范罗士委托编写的,该公司无疑是在努力推销自己的产品。但这依然是一个有趣的理念,针对办公环境对我们身体的影响进行了调查。
