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Your popular feeling gallop the nature holding card in the palm of be charmed

Hold calorie of nature in the palm, be located in Brazilian south, it is a place that is full of magical glamour. Here is like the magnificent sight like a haven of peace, let a person as if situation of place oneself Yu Xian is general. The nature that hold card in the palm constructs with its distinctive geology famed with rich biology diversity at the world.

Seek natural marvellous spectacle

One of main characteristics of area of the nature that hold card in the palm are its rich and diversiform landforms. Here has grand gorge, mysterious grotto and the fall that make a person fab. When your place oneself at this nature is medium, can be shaken by the scenery place before. No matter be to be continuous,fluctuant mountain range still sheds dripping brook, show the mystery that gives nature and glamour.

Diversiform plant and animal

Besides the landforms of acclaim as the peak of perfection making a person, the nature that hold card in the palm also has rich biology diversity. There are various plants and animal here, wh some of which is particular the peculiar species at this land. In the forest of vegetation exuberance, can see all sorts of glowed avian, distinctive insects and other wildlife, these added distinctive glamour for this nature.

Protection and can develop continuously

The biology diversity inside the integrality that holds calorie of nature in the palm for protection and groove guard, local government, environmental protection is organized and community member is driven in effort all the time can develop continuously and environmental protection measure. They made strict protective provision, prohibit destroying behavior, devote oneself to to pioneer the concept of person and natural and harmonious coexist.


The nature that hold card in the palm is mixed with its distinctive geography, zoology culture glamour, seek by inquiry comes before attracting the tourist that comes from world each district. On the land like this treasure, what people can appreciate nature is magical and gallant, OK also and deep-felt feeling gets the mankind and the importance with natural accrete harmony. If you are right the beauty of nature and wonderful be full of curiosity, the nature that hold card in the palm is a place that is worth to swim absolutely.

Thank you to read the article to block the exploration of nature to holding in the palm, hope this article can think you understand this one magnificent sight to provide a help better.

