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The aspirations of nature

Nature is the home that our Lai Yisheng keeps, also be the indispensable one part in our life. However, as the ceaseless dilate of human activity and industrialized rapid development, nature is being sufferred destroy unprecedentedly. As the mankind, we need to guard nature jointly, experience the aspirations of nature, ability realizes harmonious accrete.

The happiness of nature

Nature gifts our endless happiness, no matter be azure sky, fresh and green woods, clear river,still be much appearance is colorful use a plant, show the charm that gives nature. However, irresponsible behavior of the mankind brought about environmental pollution, biology to eradicate wait for a problem, serious menace is worn the abidance of the ecological balance of nature and beautiful landscape exists.

The aspirations of nature

If nature can sound, it pays close attention to in what call us certainly and act. Face Lin Huo indulge in wilful persecution, glacier to melt, a variety of evidence such as marine pollution, nature is being worn to our narrate it seems that its anguish and appeal, hope mankind can arousal, stop to destroy, begin to protect and take care of it.

Human action

As earthly host, everybody is responsible go protecting this collective home. We can be made from daily life, decrease use one-time plastic products, managing use phone with water, cultivate green plant to wait, make from bagatelle, change oneself way of life slowly, convey the care to nature with the action.

Guard nature jointly

Besides individual behavior, the environmental protection action inside global limits is crucial also. Government, enterprise and organism should joint efforts, make and implement more strict environmental protection law, increase the devoted strength to environmental protection, drive can develop continuously, those who realize economy and environmental protection is double win.


Nature is the foundation that our Lai Yisheng keeps, we should be respected and appreciate nature to gift everything our, protect modes of life and relation to their environment of environment, protection, this is the responsibility of our everybody. Hope mankind can guard nature jointly, experience the aspirations of nature, the earth that lets us becomes more good.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can call the more person attention to nature through this article, action of incentive and more person rises, guard the home that we share jointly.
