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武功山旅游 | 穿越云海,领略自然魅力的绝佳选择英文双语对照


武功山旅游 | 穿越云海,领略自然魅力的绝佳选择英文双语对照




1. 最佳旅游时间:武功山四季分明,春夏秋冬各有不同景致,但为避免雨季影响观光,建议选择秋季(9月至11月)登山,此时云雾缭绕,枫叶飘飘,美不胜收。

2. 登山线路选择:武功山共有南天门、北天门、迎宾寺等多条登山线路,其中以南天门登山线路最为著名,沿途风景秀丽,线路相对较为宽广平缓,适合大部分游客。

3. 注意事项:武功山气候多变,建议游客携带防晒用品、雨具等,注意安全,不轻举妄动;同时山顶温差较大,需准备保暖服装。







Brief introduction of military accomplishment hill

Military accomplishment hill, be located in Jiangxi to save southern part of city of hill of cottage of 9 rivers city, it is one of China's distinguished Taoism sacred place, also be one of hill of Chinese traditional name. Military accomplishment hill from of old with arduous and celebrated, sightseeing will visit before the vigorous and firm and magnificent natural sight on hill, long humanitarian history and Taoism culture are attracting countless tourists.

Strategy of travel of military accomplishment hill

1.Optimal travel time: The four seasons of military accomplishment hill is trenchant, chun Xiaqiu winter has different view each, but affect sightseeing to avoid monsoon, the proposal opts fall (will come in September in November) mountain-climbing, right now cloud and mist winds around, maple leaf waves, too many beautiful things.

2.Mountaineer circuit chooses: Military accomplishment hill is mutual south the many mountain-climbing circuitry such as the day door, boreal day door, temple that welcome guest, among them with south line of day door mountain-climbing is most famous, on the way the scenery is pretty, circuit is opposite relatively broad and gently, suit major tourist.

3.Note: Climate of military accomplishment hill is changeful, proposal tourist is carried prevent bask in things, rain gear to wait, the attention is safe, not fribble; Summit difference in temperature is bigger at the same time, need to prepare heat preservation dress.

Cate of military accomplishment hill is recommended

Periphery of military accomplishment hill is located in Jiangxi, have Jiangxi tunnel cate, for example fish of stone of hill of dish of another name for Jiangxi Province, cottage, also have local distinguishing feature at the same time fastfood, wait like ground rice of jellied bean curd, Jiangxi, be worth to try.


Military accomplishment hill regards Chinese Taoism name as one of hill, possess distinctive natural landscape and solid culture inside information, it is the superexcellent choice that the tourist appreciates natural scene and experience mountain-climbing joy. Cross in the mountain forest that cloud and mist winds around, experience the glamour of nature, will allow your forgetting to return.

Thank you to read the article, the travel of the military accomplishment hill that hopes the article can be you offers a few useful information and proposal.

