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Be located in ministry of Guizhou Province southeastCupreous benevolence, it is a travel famous scenic spot that filling natural scene and humanitarian glamour. It has advantaged geographical environment and rich humanitarian history, attracting more and more tourists to come round to explore.

Natural scene

InCupreous benevolence, you can be admired strong beautiful natural scene. There is your popular feeling here gallop the picturesque scenery of be charmed, be likeBuddhist clean hill, Go straight towards arrow river valley, Cloud Ji hillWait for a tourist attraction. Among them, Buddhist clean hillFamed with its elegant mountain peak, thick woods and clear brook, it is pedestrian the superexcellent place to go with photography; Go straight towards arrow river valleyCriterion celebrated with chute and cave, give a person a kind of mystery and strong beautiful feeling; Cloud Ji hillAttracting countless tourist with the picture with its distinctive landforms and green full meaning.

Humanitarian glamour

Besides natural scene, Cupreous benevolenceStill having rich humanitarian history. Having here distinctiveSeedling, Dong, water, cloth is depended on wait for minorityCulture. The tourist can come to here, experienceOf Miao Zu jump of the drum-tower of Shi Huo, the Dong nationality, aquatic animals delimit the traditional folk-custom activity such as dragon boat, experience the amorous feelings of different people and glamour. InCupreous benevolence urban district, you still can be visitedCliff picture grotto, Gu Zhai is built group etc the history is vestigial, experience the inheritance of historical precipitation and culture.

Cate and special local product

And sampling cate respect, Cupreous benevolenceAlso won't make a person disappointed absolutely. The characteristic cate here hasCooked glutinous rice pounded into paste of tea with milk of seedling home acerbity Shang Yu, Home Dong, aquatic animalsEtc, make person aftertaste boundless. In addition, Cupreous benevolenceStill be the place of a warm hospitality, you can buy all sorts of tunnels hereMiao Zu silver is acted the role of, brocade of the Dong nationality, aquatic animals is inwroughtWait for special local product, bring back good memory for oneself and friend.


Anyhow, Cupreous benevolenceThe characteristic cate with the natural scene with its rich and colorful, long thick humanitarian history, delicate remote in time or space and enthusiastic and hospitable folkway, attracting more and more tourists to come round to explore. If you want to search one office,can be far from a city blatant, the place that place oneself nature cherishs, Cupreous benevolenceIt is a right choice absolutely.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can be you understand better through this articleCupreous benevolence, for you prospective journey brings a help.

