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The life Xiaochang beside is known

There is a lot of seeing to be like ordinary little common sense in the life, what can bring expect to be less than to us however is convenience. For instance, when cutting onion, can put by what cut onion with wet towel, can reduce the effect of exciting eye; In encounter a pen to touch go up in the dress when, can immerse with milk, clean with warm water next, can keep clear of easily besmirch.

Kitchen subtle move lets arrange more handy

The kitchen is us in daily life often the place of patronage, it is below a few can let arrange more the small subtle move of handy: If cook when rice sticks boiler, can go to before water leaves in add one spoon to feed vinegar, won't stick boiler; When the milk that boil or soya-bean milk, a chopstick is put in past boiler, won't spill over. These small subtle move can let us be in kitchen more handy.

Practical home resides little common sense

The little common sense in living in the life makes the life more convenient likewise. When clean glass, after the towel that use paper is wiped clean, wipe with newspaper can make glass more bright and clean; If the door in the home shuts lax, can smoke in the door on a bit toothpaste comes to daub solve.

Attention health is small subtle move

While attention life Xiaochang is known, we also should pay close attention to health. For instance, a cup of hot milk is drunk to be able to help Morpheus before sleeping; With dental floss cleanness the tooth can prevent tooth gingivitis. These small subtle move can give us to bring better health in the life.

In the life, little common sense and subtle move nowhere is absent, they are probably beside our, it is probably in our life, go discovering them attentively, let them become the small happiness in our life.

Thank you to read the article, the life that hopes these little common sense and subtle move can give you brings a few helps.

