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Shelbyville police are investigating what led someone to shoot out a drive thru window at a KFC restaurant Monday afternoon. Witnesses say it was over a fork and a napkin. 谢尔比维尔警方正在调查星期一下午是什么导致某人在一家肯德基餐厅开枪打碎了得来速(麦当劳汽车餐厅的别称)窗口。目击者表示,起因是一把叉子和一张餐巾纸。 Shelby County dispatch confirmed Shelbyville police were called to the KFC for a report of a shooting, but so far, the department hasn't released any details. 谢尔比县电讯证实,谢尔比维尔警方接到了肯德基枪击事件的报警电话,但到目前为止,警方并未公布任何细节。 A message was taped to the door Monday evening saying the restaurant was closed but offered no explanation. 周一晚上该餐厅门上贴了一张告示,称餐厅已经打烊,但并未给出任何解释。 Witnesses tell WLKY a female customer shot through the window after she didn't receive a napkin and fork. 目击者告诉WLKY(美国路易斯安那州的地方新闻网站),一名女性顾客因没有拿到餐巾和叉子而开枪打碎了窗户。 Charlene Witt is the manager at the Subway restaurant directly across from KFC. 莎琳·维特是肯德基对面的赛百味餐厅的经理。 "I just can't even think about what was going through their head to pull out a gun and shoot a window. It's scary," Witt said. “我根本无法想象他们是怎么想的,竟然拿出枪,朝窗户开枪。太可怕了,”维特说道。 Witt was inside the restaurant when the shooting happened. 枪击发生时,维特正在餐厅里。

"I had a regular customer come in and say, 'Did you hear about what just happened at KFC?' I was, like, 'No.' He was, like, 'Someone just shot the window out over here,'" Witt said. “一位老主顾进来问我,‘你听说肯德基刚才发生的事了吗?’我说,‘没有。’他说,‘刚才那里有人开枪把窗户打碎了,’”维特说道。 A KFC spokesperson released this statement to WLKY: 肯德基的一位发言人在WLKY上发表了以下声明: "First and foremost we are grateful that no one was injured. We are working with local authorities as they investigate the incident." “首要的是,我们很庆幸没有人受伤。我们正在与地方当局合作调查这起事件。” The restaurant has several cameras in the drive thru and witnesses say police have a clear picture of the vehicle, but so far those images have not been released. 这家餐厅的得来速窗口上有几个摄像头,而且目击者表示,警方有这辆车的清晰图像,但到目前为止,这些图像并未被公布。 Witt is using this moment to remind her own employees about how to handle angry customers. 维特通过这次事件提醒她的员工如何处理愤怒的顾客。 "If someone comes in irate, just give them what they want. Just give them what they want and be done with it and get them out of the store as quick as you can," Witt said. “如果有人怒气冲冲地进来,把他们想要的东西给他们即可。就按他们的要求来办,让他们尽快离开店铺,”维特说道。 KFC remained closed after Monday's shooting, but the company says it will be back open for business Tuesday. 周一枪击事件发生后,这家肯德基仍然处于歇业状态,但该公司表示,周二将恢复营业。

