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1. 长城


2. 故宫


3. 秦始皇陵兵马俑


4. 北京颐和园


5. 北京天坛


6. 丝绸之路


7. 法门寺大雄宝殿


8. 敦煌莫高窟


9. 四川大熊猫栖息地


10. 颐和园昆明湖




1.The Great Wall

Be known as " Great Wall " , it is one of 7 big miracles of world, witnessed the national defence project of Chinese ancient time and building technology.

2.The Imperial Palace

Regard Chinese bright Qing Dynasty as the royal palace of two generation, be existent scale is the largest on the world, save one of most whole woodiness structure ancient structures.

3.Tomb figure of military forces of imperial tomb of Qin Shi emperor

It is Chinese dimensions one of archaic monarch mausolem with the biggest, highest grade, with its unique protective kind is known as " one of 8 big miracles " .

4.Beijing Summer Palace

Lin Zhi of home of collect China emperor is become greatly, be famous in the world with masterly gardens art and structure style.

5.Beijing the Temple of Heaven

Regard Chinese ancient time as royal and sacred bethel, it is the world on the archaic altar with the biggest, most elegant structure constructs existent scale group.

6.The Silk Road

Witnessed the history with square interactive civilization of Chinese and Western, it is the important link of center of world culture communication and archaic international trade.

7.Method temple big Xiong Baodian

Regard the woodiness structure with Chinese the greatest ancient time as one of ancient buildings, it is one of masterpiece of architectural of cloister of Chinese ancient time.

8.Dunhuang Mo Gao hole

With its elegant artistic modelling is mixed distinctive religious art connotation, showed skill of Chinese ancient time in world culture the significant position on art history.

9.Habitat of Sichuan giant panda

With its distinctive natural zoology environment is mixed rare the other people that use plant is kind and famed, it is China and the main base that the world protects biology diversity.

10.Lake of Summer Palace Kunming

Regard Chinese ancient time as the crackajack delegate of royal gardens, the culture connotation that abounds with its and distinctive natural landscape are attracting the tourist of world each district.

Acknowledgment reads the article, carry this article, you can understand China's rich culture legacy more, those who experience China civilization is broad and profound.

