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  • 水果干: 富含维生素和纤维,口感酸甜可口,是儿童喜爱的零食之一。同时,水果干可以代替高糖零食,减少孩子的摄入糖分量。
  • 全麦饼干: 含有丰富的膳食纤维和维生素,可以作为儿童的替代零食选择。选择不含人工添加剂和防腐剂的全麦饼干更有利于儿童的健康成长。
  • 坚果类食品: 如杏仁、核桃等,富含优质蛋白质和不饱和脂肪酸,有助于儿童大脑发育和骨骼生长。
  • 酸奶: 富含蛋白质和钙质,可以增强儿童的免疫力,促进骨骼发育,同时酸奶中的益生菌有助于调节儿童的肠道菌群平衡。
  • 蔬菜条: 胡萝卜条、黄瓜条等蔬菜零食不仅含有丰富的维生素和矿物质,而且口感清脆可口,适合儿童携带和食用。




Children health food: 5 kinds of healthy snacks that you should know

The healthy diet of children is the main topic that parents pay close attention to. In the process that grows in children, the healthy snacks with proper choice grows to theirs and development is crucial. 5 kinds of healthy snacks that suit children introduce below, help parents choose the snacks of children better.

  • The fruit works: Contain a lot ofvitamin and fiber, mouthfeel acid is sweet goluptious, it is one of snacks that children loves. In the meantime, fruit doing can replace snacks of high in syrup, reduce the child absorb candy heft.
  • Whole wheat biscuit: Contain rich prandial fiber and vitamin, can serve as children replace snacks option. The whole wheat biscuit that chooses not to contain artificial additive and preservative more the health that is helpful for children grows.
  • Firm fruit food: Wait like almond, walnut, contain a lot ofhigh grade protein and not saturated fatty acid, conduce to children cerebra development and skeleton growing.
  • Yoghurt: Contain a lot ofprotein and calcium to pledge, can enhance the immune power of children, promote skeletal growth, at the same time the beneficial unripe bacterium in yoghurt conduces to adjust the alvine path bacterium of children group evenly.
  • Vegetable: Carrot, cucumber wait for vegetable snacks to be contained not only rich vitamin and mineral, and mouthfeel is ringing and goluptious, suit children to carry with edible.

Choose healthy snacks to conduce to the dietary convention with education good children, the health that promotes them grows. Hope parents can be mixed according to the child's taste nutrient demand, the healthy snacks with logical fit choice, build a favorable dietary environment for the child.

Thank you to read the article, hope these suggest to be able to help you choose to suit the healthy snacks of children better, make the child more healthy in growing process, happier.
