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The relation of I and nature

Nature is us what Lai Yisheng puts is essential, also be the important resource that we should be respected and protects. A when serve as nature, our everybody should realise we and natural be closely bound up, have responsibility to nature.

Above all, nature offerred us to live wants air, water and food. Without clean air and water, without rich vegetation and animal, the earth makes the home that we live impossibly. However, as the excessive development of industrial development and human activity, nature sufferred serious destruction. Fell trees of air and water pollution, wood, species is eradicated etc the problem is increasingly serious, this is endangering nature itself not only, of minatory also mankind live.

Next, nature also brought endless happiness to us. The plant with river of gallant mountains and rivers-land, flowery sunrise sunset, much colorful appearance and animal, it is nature bestows our gift. In the intimate contact with nature, what we can experience nature not only is great and wonderful, also can find interior solace and inspiration.

The responsibility of I and nature

A when serve as nature, we are responsible protective nature, treasure nature. Above all, we should establish zoology consciousness, environment of resource conservation, protection. For instance, decrease use one-time plastic product, advocate rubbish classification, managing with water, managing wait with report. Next, we should be taken an active part in in environmental protection action, attend afforestation, zoology to protect volunteer activity to wait for instance. Finally, we should pass education and conduct propaganda, enhance public opposite condition to know and take seriously of environmental protection, arouse more person to pay close attention to and be had deep love for to nature.

Everybody is a of nature, our live to cannot leave nature with development, more the estimation that cannot leave pair of nature and protection. Let us carry a hand to come, protection is esteem nature, natural, create good home jointly.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can let more person realize the value that protects nature through this article, caress our collective home jointly.

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