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Chinese car market is one of car markets with the biggest whole world, the rapid growth as Chinese economy and flowing water of person the people's livelihood rise smoothly, automobile industry also greeted bitter fleabane break out to exhibit. The article will develop 3 respects to undertake thorough analysis to Chinese car market from the history, current situation and future.

In the past: The origin of Chinese car market and development

20 centuries 80 time, chinese car market begins to develop flourishingly. Before this, dimensions of Chinese automobile industry is relatively lesser, most person still relies on a bicycle or ride instead of walk on foot. As policy of reforming and opening pursue the rapid growth with economy, car market of China rises gradually. Manufacturer of each big international car enters Chinese market to establish a joint ventures in succession, domestic car brand also cuts a figure gradually.

2009, china surmounts the United States to become the car with the oldest whole world to sell the market, the mark is worn the rise of Chinese car market. Subsequently, chinese government carries out multinomial policy measure to give aid to automobile industry grows, promoted the prosperity of car market further.

Now: The characteristic of Chinese car market and current situation

Nowadays, chinese car market appears an a variety of characteristics. It is market dimensions above all tremendous, brand of of all kinds car and model have everything that one expects to find, satisfied the requirement of consumer diversification. It is the market next competition is intense, international brand and domestic brand contend for market share, ceaseless get rid of the stale and bring forth the fresh. Additional, the car of new energy resources such as electric car and intelligent car presents the momentum that gives rapid growth, those who make the market is new bestow favor on.

However, chinese car market also is facing a few challenges, for example traffic is embraced, environmental pollution and resource are used up wait for a problem to be highlighted gradually. Accordingly, government and automobile industry are seeking a solution actively, advocate green, intelligence and can develop continuously.

Future: The development trend of Chinese car market and look into

Look into future, chinese car market still is full of good luck and challenge. The ceaseless breakthrough as technology of car of new energy resources and gain ground, predict electric car and intelligent car will make the main trend of the market. In addition, share the new job condition such as car of intelligence of a travel, Internet also will gradually arisen, weigh situation of model automobile industry.

In the meantime, chinese government will increase cars of pair of new energy resources and intelligent car further give aid to strength, encourage innovation of research and development and industry to upgrade. Car company also changes active hug, accelerate a technology to upgrade with transition, in order to get used to the diversification of the change of the market and demand.

Taking one with another, chinese car market will continue to carry the state of rapid development, trade situation will more hasten diversity, green is changed and intelligence is changed, bring more advantage for a travel of people, also will mix for environmental protection at the same time can develop continuously make positive contribution.

Thank you to read the article, those who hope to carry the article elaborate, you had more thorough knowledge to the development of Chinese car market.

