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平潭岛属热带季风气候,四季如春,气候宜人。岛上有着壮丽的海岸线、清澈见底的海域和丰富多样的海洋生物。尤其是五星级海水浴场 - 金沙滩、草屿村的小岛、万丰湾等自然景观吸引了许多游客。此外,岛上还有茂密的丛林、高耸入云的白鹤尖、绵延起伏的丘陵,为游客呈现出一幅幅壮美的画卷。


平潭是闽台交流的重要纽带,岛上留存着丰富的历史遗迹和悠久的人文传统。其中,最有代表性的当属两岸交流的纪念地 - “海峡两岸交流基地”,这里有丰富的两岸文物馆藏品、独具文化特色的百米壁画长廊、美丽的福州河口和古老的船帮码头等,展现了平潭独特的人文魅力。






Make the same score a pool: One of China's most beautiful island

Be located in the smooth pool of Fujian Province the eastpart part, it is one of China's most beautiful island. Have beautiful natural scenery and rich humanitarian history, smooth pool is attracting countless tourists to come round to seek its distinctive glamour.

Make the same score the natural landscape of the pool

Smooth Tan Dao belongs to intertropical monsoon climate, the four seasons if spring, climate is delightful. Having on the island gallant coasting, clear the sea area that sees an end and rich and diversiform marine biology. Especially bathhouse of seawater of 5 stars class - the natural landscape such as bay of the isle of village of golden beach, careless island, 10 thousand abundant attracted a lot of tourists. In addition, there still is dense forest, cloud-kissing white crane tip on the island, be continuous those who rise and fall is upland, appear for the tourist give strong beautiful picture scroll.

Make the same score the humanitarian history of the pool

Smooth pool is the important bond that Fujian stage exchanges, the keep on the island is worn rich history is vestigial with long humanitarian tradition. Among them, have the representative commemorative land that should belong to cross-strait communication most - " cross-strait communication base " , there is holding of rich cross-strait cultural relic to taste here, a covered corridor or walk of 100 meters of mural that has culture distinguishing feature alone, beautiful Fuzhou bayou and old shipboard port city, showed the humanitarian glamour with smooth distinctive pool.

The travel that make the same score a pool suggests

To wanting to head for the tourist of the travel that make the same score a pool, the proposal can arrange two days of time, one day is used at visitting natural landscape, another day is used at experiencing humanitarian history. Choose to go up in the tourist attraction, can include needle of golden beach, white crane, Dong Ya the place such as base of communication of fishing port, two sides of the Taiwan Straits, appreciate the local customs of smooth pool in the round.

Anyhow, smooth pool regards China as one of the most beautiful island, possess advantaged rich and long humanitarian inside information. Hope more and more people can step personally sufficient this fair land, experience the distinctive glamour of smooth pool.

Thank everybody to read the article, the hope can help everybody understand smooth pool better through this article, for viatic ready-made of future.

