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索尼α7R IV

索尼α7R IV是一款备受推崇的全画幅无反数码相机,拥有惊人的6100万像素的成像能力,以及极其出色的动态范围和低光表现。其实,它的成像质量甚至可以媲美一些专业的单反相机。不仅如此,它还具备高速连拍、快速对焦等专业摄影功能。

佳能EOS R5

佳能EOS R5是另一款备受瞩目的无反相机,拥有极为出色的45百万像素的传感器和出色的视频拍摄能力。此外,它还配备了先进的双像素CMOS自动对焦系统,能够在低光环境下快速、精准地对焦,让用户不再为画面模糊而烦恼。

尼康Z7 II

尼康Z7 II是尼康最新推出的全画幅无反相机,配备了4500万像素的传感器,以及出色的防抖功能和高速连拍性能,让用户能够在复杂的拍摄场景下轻松地拍摄出专业级的照片。





The sheet of digital camera returns function

Digital camera has made the essential one part in modern life, it can take each in the life wonderful moment. However, to pursuit more for the photography lover of high quality photograph, they may be become to what sheet turns over camera be interested more like ability. But odd after all oppose camera price costly, dimension ponderosity, for the user that small to wanting portable band has sheet to return function again, whether can digital camera satisfy their requirement?

7R IV of Suo Ni α

7R IV of Suo Ni αIt is a full frame that suffers praise highly fully is not had turn over digital camera, have breathtaking 61 million resemble element into like ability, and extremely remarkable dynamic range and low smooth performance. Actually, its turn over camera into the sheet that can rival a few major even like quality. Not only such, it still has high speed to be patted repeatedly, be opposite quickly anxious wait for professional photography function.

Beautiful can EOS R5

Beautiful can EOS R5It is another equipment suffers fix eyes upon without turn over camera, have the supereminent 45 1 million sensor that resemble element and outstanding video to film ability. In addition, it still deployed advanced double CMOS resembling element to be opposite automatically anxious system, fast, essence can fall to be opposite definitely in low luminous environment anxious, let the user blurs for the picture no longer and be troubled.

Ni Kang Z7 II

Ni Kang Z7 IIIt is Ni Kang newest the full frame that roll out is not had turn over camera, deployed the 45 million sensor that resembles element, and prevent outstandingly shake function and high speed to take property repeatedly, allow an user can filming complexly easily below setting the picture that gives professional level.

Brief summary

As a whole, as the ceaseless progress of digital technology, present digital camera can have been had be close to what surmount sheet to turn over camera even to become like expression and professional function. Without what turn over camera light and portable the union of the Gao Hua qualitative function that returns camera with sheet, allow an user when filming more freely, master photography skill more easily also. Accordingly, choose a digital watch for an opportunity that has sheet to return function, can film easily already professional stage picture, can enjoy portable advantage again, it is very right choice undoubtedly.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can help you understand the digital watch for an opportunity that has sheet to return function better through this article, let you film more professional, more high grade photograph.

