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1. 出行时间选择:黄山四时景色各异,春夏秋冬各有特色。春季山花烂漫,夏季避暑胜地,秋季秋色宜人,冬季银装素裹。根据喜好选择合适的季节。

2. 穿着建议:黄山气候多变,建议穿着舒适休闲,鞋子选择防滑的登山鞋,以便于攀登陡峭的山路。

3. 食宿安排:建议提前预订住宿,特色的徽派客栈和高档酒店都有不同的体验。食物方面,可以品尝当地的山珍海味和徽菜美食。

4. 注意安全:山路崎岖,建议妥善安排行程,注意安全。登山途中需注意身体状况,随身携带常用药品和急救包。


1. 观日出:在光明顶观赏黄山日出,别有一番风味。日出时分,云海翻腾,似海洋波涛一般壮阔,日出更显得壮美。

2. 探奇景点:鳌鱼峰、光明顶、北海景区等,各具特色的景点让您流连忘返。

3. 登临巅峰:步行或乘缆车登顶,登上黄山主峰莲花峰、光明顶、排云亭,俯瞰群峰竞秀,云海翻腾,令人心旷神怡。


1. 飞机:可选择到达黄山屯溪机场,机场有往返市区的班车,也可选择出租车。

2. 火车:黄山市有黄山火车站和黄山北站,火车站周围有多条公交线路,出租车也比较方便。

3. 汽车:可以选择大巴或自驾前往黄山,路况良好,交通便利。



Strategy of yellow hill travel

Does before wanting, toward Huang Shan self-help swim? Do not know to do it from where? Need not worry! The necessary Tips that the article will offer yellow hill self-help to swim for you, tourist attraction is recommended and traffic guideline, the ride that lets you is mixed more smoothly happy.

Necessary Tips

1.Give travel time option: Scenery of yellow hill the four seasons each different, chun Xiaqiu winter has distinguishing feature each. Spring pediment is brilliant, summertime summer resort, autumn autumn scenery is delightful, winter is silver-coated. Choose appropriate season according to be fond of.

2.Wearing a proposal: Yellow hill climate is changeful, proposal dress is comfortable and recreational, shoe chooses to prevent slippery climbing boot, so that Yu Pan enters abrupt hill grade.

3.Arrangement of board and lodging: The proposal books room ahead of schedule, the badge of characteristic sends hotel and high-grade hotel to have different experience. Food respect, can sample local delicacies of every kind and badge dish cate.

4.The attention is safe: Hill road rugged, proposal appropriate arranges the route, the attention is safe. Mountaineer need to notice body condition in road, carry commonly used medicines and chemical reagents and emergency treatment bag.

The tourist attraction is recommended

1.View sunrise: Yellow hill sunrise is viewed and admire in bright top, do not have local color one time. Sunrise time, tuck diveseethe of sea of clouds, be like marine great waves general and grand, sunrise more appear strong beautiful.

2.Explore wonderful view nods: Area of scene of peak of fish of a huge legendary turtle, bright top, the North sea, the tourist attraction that has distinguishing feature each allows your forgetting to return.

3.Summit of summit of climb a hill: Walk or multiply telpher ascend a top, ascend booth of cloud of peak of lotus of yellow mountain the highest peak in a mountain range, bright top, platoon, look down at group of peak contest are beautiful, tuck diveseethe of sea of clouds, relaxed and happy making a person.

Traffic guideline

1.Plane: Optional choose reachs airport of brook of yellow mountain village, the airport has the regular bus of urban district going there and back, also can choose a taxi.

2.The train: Yellow hill city has yellow hill railway station and station of yellow hill north, there is many public transportation line all round the railway station, the taxi is more convenient also.

3.Car: Before can choose a bus or be being driven oneself, go to Huang Shan, road condition is good, communication is easy.

The journey that hopes strategy of travel of this yellow hill can be you provides a few helps, wish you the travel in Huang Shan is happy!

