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In Yo in the process, parental classics regular meeting gets the influence of all sorts of moods and pressure, bring about what cannot treat the child rationally to grow with education. However, siboke regards interstellar get lost as medium logic, rational delegate, his Yo means may give us a few inspire. A few methods will introduce below, teach you how to overcome euqally rational Yo like Si Bo.

The target with specific set

In Siboke's world, everything is decision-making be based on clear logic and target. No less, in Yo in, parents should the target with specific set and viewpoint of value, can help them be made more rationally when teaching the child so decision-making.

Reason is communicated

When Siboke is being communicated with the person, always be sober, reason, do not suffer mood interference. In Yo in, parents also should learn reason to communicate, avoid to make actuation decision when the mood is rising, want to learn to listen the child's think of a way calmly, express oneself point of view with rational means.

Face a problem objectively

Siboke teachs us to want to face a problem objectively, and be not controlled by the mood. No less, parents is in Yo also should learn to receive a visitor in the process problem of the look upon that watch the land, in not be immersed in a mood too much to fluctuate, should be good at analysing a problem, seek settle way.

Drive and award

Siboke is good at using logic and incentive mechanism to come incentive other. In Yo in, the way that parents also should learn to use drive and award will guide the child, let the child build healthy competitive consciousness and sense of responsibility in the process of progressively self-discipline.


In Yo in the process, rational thought and dispassionate mood can help parents answer all sorts of challenges better, the health of stimulative child grows. Although logistic thinking of Siboke surmounts the mankind, but the means that we can draw lessons from him, let oneself face Yo more rationally process.

Thank you to read the article, hope above method can be in for you Yo bring in the process a few inspire and help.
