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1. 营养均衡: 选择富含蛋白质、膳食纤维、维生素和矿物质的零食,如坚果、天然酸奶和新鲜水果等,以满足孩子生长发育的营养需求。

2. 低糖低盐: 避免选择含糖量过高或盐分过多的零食,尽量选择未经加工或低加工的食品,减少孩子的糖盐摄入。

3. 饱腹感: 选择富含蛋白质和健康脂肪的零食,可以增加饱腹感,减少孩子因零食摄入过多导致的饱食感。


1. 坚果: 坚果类食品如核桃、杏仁等,富含健康脂肪和蛋白质,适量食用有助于儿童的智力发育。

2. 水果: 新鲜水果不仅口感好,而且提供丰富的维生素和纤维,是优质的零食选择。

3. 酸奶: 天然酸奶富含优质蛋白质和钙质,有助于儿童骨骼发育和肠道健康。

4. 蔬菜沙拉: 将新鲜蔬菜制作成色彩鲜艳的沙拉,不仅美味而且富含各类维生素和矿物质。





The importance of children health food

To 6-12 year old for children, healthy diet is attached most importance to especially should. They are in grow the crucial phase of development, need absorbs rich nutrition to maintain healthy with growth demand. In this age paragraph, they may generate strong interest to snacks, the healthy snacks that because how this chooses,suits them became parents to need the issue that think.

How to choose suitable snacks?

1.Nutrition is balanced: The choice contains a lot ofprotein, prandial fiber, vitamin and mineral snacks, wait like nut, natural yoghurt and fresh fruit, grow in order to satisfy the child the nutrient demand of development.

2.Low candy low salt: Avoid to choose to contain candy to measure the snacks with exorbitant or overmuch salinity, choose the food without treatment or low treatment as far as possible, the candy salt that reduces the child is absorbed.

3.Full abdomen feels: The choice contains a lot ofprotein and healthy and adipose snacks, can add full abdomen touch, because snacks absorbs the gorge that brings about too much to feel,reduce the child.

Common the healthy snacks that suits children

1.Nut: Firm fruit food is like walnut, almond to wait, contain a lot ofhealth adipose with protein, right amount edible conduces to the intellectual growth of children.

2.Fruit: Fresh fruit not only mouthfeel is good, and supply rich vitamin and fiber, it is high grade snacks choice.

3.Yoghurt: Natural yoghurt contains a lot ofhigh grade protein and calcium to pledge, conduce to children skeleton development and alvine path health.

4.Vegetable salad: Will fresh vegetable makes colourful salad, not only delicate and contain a lot ofof all kinds vitamin and mineral.


Choose suitable healthy snacks for children, need parents are some more floriferous in daily life idea. Reasonable dietary construction grows to the health of children crucial, hope every parent can pass scientific dietary collocation, offer the snacks alternative with balanced nutrition for the child.

Acknowledgment reads the article, the hope can help parents choose to suit 6-12 better through this article year old the healthy snacks of children.

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