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First 3 lives, it is a on growing road of every high school student important node. To great majority student, first 3 it is one filled the stage with exam pressure, green change and human complex relation. The article will change from school work pressure, body and mind and human association 3 respects, discuss the sense of reality of 3 lives suffers first.

School work pressure: Exam challenge and ego are broken through

The it may be said of school work pressure of 3 is first unprecedented tremendous. The concentration that faces course of high school phase is assessed, classmates need to face period the exam content that adds metaphase end exam, imitate exam ceaselessly. These exams need many time and energy to prepare, also offerred the opportunity that challenges ego for classmates at the same time. On one hand, the addition of exam content needs classmates to have stronger study capability and time government ability; On the other hand, through breaking through ego ceaselessly, classmates got growing tremendously on school work. Accordingly, the since of school work pressure of 3 is challenged first, also be the chance that grow.

Body and mind changes: The appearance with acerbity blueness leaves hidden question

3 students are in adolescence first, the change on body and mind makes they often feel they were immersed in labyrinthian. The rapid growth of the body, make classmates right oneself appearance, figure produced various trouble. In addition, the wave motion on the mood also is every first the 3 challenges that are born to want to face. The exterior element such as contradiction of problem of exam pressure, school work, family can give the psychology that classmates bring different rate pressure, also become the main factor that affects health of their body and mind. 3 lives are intellectual study not only first, it is results maturity and firm process more.

Human association: Friend circle and teacher-student relationship

3 lives are school work not just first, of human relation complex also be the challenge that every student needs to face. Classmates discover gradually, the mutual understanding between the friend and support become more essential, because they can obtain affective from each other body,support and encourage. Meanwhile, teacher-student relationship also is in first a few delicate change produced in 3 lives. Teachers are higher to the student's expectation, the requirement to them is stricter also at the same time. The change of this kind of relation, also let classmates need the teacher's understanding and care more when facing pressure. Accordingly, human association is become first the very important one link in 3 lives.

First 3 lives, be full of challenge and change admittedly, be these challenges and change however, make classmates are in this year got growing unprecedentedly with results. On the road that grows in this, they break through volition of ego, go through the mill ceaselessly, meeting more good luck and challenge finally.

Acknowledgment reads the article, the hope can understand better first the challenge of 3 lives and grow, to be at the beginning of experience the classmate of 3 lives is helped somewhat.
