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另外,古诗中也常常描绘花草树木的美丽。例如,在《赋得古原草送别》中,白居易写道:“离离原上草,一岁一枯荣。野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。” 通过描绘原野上茂盛的草木,反映了大自然生生不息的景象。而在《咏柳》中,贺知章以“碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦”来形容垂柳的婀娜多姿,展现了大自然细腻的美。


此外,古诗中也有不少描写江河湖海的景色的篇章。在《江雪》中,柳宗元写道:“千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪。” 诗中通过描绘江雪之景,展现了大自然的清寂和宁静。而在《晓出净慈寺送林子方》中,李白以“清水浊水俱来去,长江渔火对愁眸”写出了长江边的景色,展现了江河景色的变幻和壮观。


The ancient line of scenery of depict mountains and rivers-land

Archaic poets often come through scenery of gallant mountains and rivers-land the beauty of emblazon nature. In " static night is thought of " in, wang Wei writes: "The bright moon before the bed is smooth, doubt is the frost on the ground. Lift a head to look at the bright moon, lower his head to consider home. " the night that this poem shines with moon is setting, depicted the beautiful scenery with bright and clear bright moon. And be in " building of the sparrow that ascend marabou " in, wang Zhi melt with " there is a family in Bai Yun, stop a boat to sit hundreds individual plant poplar " the sky that will describe expanse and thick woods, show gave picture of gallant the land of country.

The ancient line of tree of depict flowers and plants

Additional, what tree of flowers and plants often also depicts in ancient poetry is beautiful. For example, in " the ode gets Gu Yuan grass to send off " in, bai Juyi writes: "From from go up formerly careless, a year old of one withered flourish. Wild baked wheaten cake is endless, spring breeze is blown be born again. " through depicting the flourish wood on open country, mirrorred nature to lay the scene that lays not to cease. And be in " the willow that chant " in, he Zhizhang with " jasper makeup Cheng Yishu is tall, 10 thousand lop green silk silk ribbon " those who will describe weeping willow is coquettish, showed the beauty with exquisite nature.

The ancient line of sea of lake of depict river river

In addition, there also is the canto of the scenery of seas of many lake of depict river river in ancient poetry. Be in " Jiang Xue " in, liu Zongyuan writes: "1000 hill bird flies absolutely, footprint of person of 10 thousand diameter destroys. Old man of large bamboo hat of Gu boat Suo, angle alone cold Jiang Xue. " the through depicting Jiangxue scene in the poem, the Qing Ji that showed nature and halcyon. And in " dawn gives only kind temple to send grove square " in, li Bai with " all of water of clear water chaotic will go, lights on fishing boat of the Yangtse River is right anxious eye " drew up the scenery of edge of the Yangtse River, the irregular change that showed river river picture and grand.
