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Social setting

The Great Cultural Revolution is Chinese history on one paragraph very disorder and turbulent period, it happens in Mao Zedong to lead the Chinese Communist interior below, far-reaching. Want to understand the happening of the Great Cultural Revolution, need to understand the social setting at that time above all.

50 time later period reachs the century on the China of 60 time initial stage, be worth socialistic system to just be built, socioeconomy still is in primary level, political the communistic motion effect that suffers Russia leader is quite profound. But meanwhile, chinese interior appeared a lot of contradiction and problem, social order becomes not stable gradually.

Individual influence and politics struggle

Mao Zedong tries to maintain his to be in all the time within the party leadership position, but the elapse as time, his influence is challenged gradually. To consolidate oneself authority, mao Zedong interiorly started a series of politics to struggle, try to keep clear of adverse to oneself force piece within the party. These force may be to come from at within the party dissident member, also may be to come from what think to have minatory sex at him any sound.

Below this kind of circumstance, mao Zedong decides to start the Great Cultural Revolution, adopt the form of mass movement, repellent those he counts hostile interest, in order to consolidate oneself power position.

Ideological struggle

Below socialistic frame, ideological acting important role all the time. Period of the Great Cultural Revolution, mao Zedong tries to act through revolution, what portray whole society afresh is ideological. He hopes to carry the idea idea that changes people, make they more the political concept that accords with oneself. Accordingly, he undertook to ideology of traditional culture, bourgeois energetically critically and cleared, try to model a social new order that accords with him volition afresh.


The place on put together is narrated, the happening of the Great Cultural Revolution is to be below the intertexture of a series of politics, economy and ideological struggle, mao Zedong tries to maintain his influence through starting revolution to move, try to pass transform ideological will portray a society afresh. However, the Great Cultural Revolution was brought to Chinese society however long-term queasy with pain, become a paragraph of tragedy on the history.

Thank you to read the article, the hope adopts the reason that understands the Great Cultural Revolution, more can thorough ground knows this paragraph of history, and from which derive lesson.

