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  • 《舌尖上的中国》:一部关于中国美食的纪录片,也是一段脍炙人口的美食之旅,每一帧都是对中国饮食文化的赞美。
  • 《红楼梦》:尤其是其中对宴席的描写,是中国古典文学中的经典之作。
  • 《鼠瑞博士的食谱》:以美食为主线,讲述了一个个充满温情与故事的小人物。
  • 《温暖的味道》:以烹饪为主线,勾勒了一段温馨、感人的亲情故事。




Cate novel: It is a novel not just

Cate novel is a kind of literature work that gives priority to a problem with cate, it is shirt-sleeve the story clue of fine cooking art, rich cate culture and exciting. Form of this kind of literature is mixed through the depict to cate savour, guide reader open the brigade of the cate of a be personally on the scene, enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave letting a person.

Of affection and cate blend

Cate novel is not just about alimental story, more about affective interweaves between person and person. In these novels, often alternating the hero is had deep love for to alimental, to home town olfactory the deep feeling of longing and the person to true love is sentimentally attached to. Cate regards a kind of culture as the symbol, bearing the weight of the longing of people and affection, entered reader area deep and remote far and warm condition.

Seek the way of cate

" red Lou Meng " medium party picture, " the China on the tip of the tongue " medium cate is sought, " the cookbook of rat luck doctor " medium cooking is artistic... these are cate novels medium make classically. They are leading a reader to set foot on the brigade that a paragraph of Duan Mei feeds, in letting what the person is enmeshed in alimental aroma and story clue interweave, what enjoy character and taste bud to bring to the top of one's bent is double and cheerful.

Recommend novel of a few classical cate

  • " the China on the tip of the tongue ": A newsreel about Chinese cate, also be the brigade of the cate of a paragraph of win universal praise, each frame is pair of Chinese food culture praise.
  • " red Lou Meng ": Be opposite among them especially the depict of banquet, it is China in classic literature make classically.
  • " the cookbook of rat luck doctor ": Give priority to a line with cate, told about each to fill the unimportant person of warmth and story.
  • " warm flavour ": Give priority to a line with cooking, outlined a paragraph of warmth, touching story kissing affection.

Cate novel, it is character not only, more a paragraph paragraph affective flows drip. Let us following character, what seek the brigade of cate together is wonderful, experience the blend beauty of affection and cate.

Thank you read, the hope carries this article, you can understand cate novel better, obtain in read cheerful and enjoy.

