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  • 1. “好吃的东西只要留在嘴里三秒钟,大脑里就会记住三天。” ——《食尚玩家》
  • 2. “美食是生活的一部分,也是最令人愉悦的一部分。” —— 杰里米·艾伦
  • 3. “吃得好不一定会让人快乐,但快乐的人一定会吃得很好。” —— 《囧爸的厨艺日记》
  • 4. “美食是情感的载体,每一道菜都承载着某种情绪。” —— 朱天文
  • 5. “不懂得享用生活,便是虚度了一生;不懂得享用美食,便是虚度了一日。” —— 昆汀·塔伦蒂诺





The glamour of cate

Cate, it is a kind of distinctive charm, can cause people heart in cheerful with happy feeling. No matter be delicate cate or sweet desert, having the magic power that allows a person to be intoxicated.

Celebrity logion

Serve 15 classical quip, let us appreciate the wonderful connection of cate and good humor together:

  • 1."Delicious thing should stay in the mouth 3 seconds only, can remember 3 days in cerebrum. Can remember 3 days in cerebrum.. -- " feed still player "
  • 2."Cate is the one part of the life, also be the one part that makes a person cheerful most. Also be the one part that makes a person cheerful most.. -- Jeremy Allan
  • 3."Eat very differly to be able to make a person happy surely, but happy person can eat very well certainly. But happy person can eat very well certainly.. -- " the hutch of pa art diary "
  • 4."Cate is affective carrier, each dish is bearing the weight of some kind of mood. Each dish is bearing the weight of some kind of mood.. -- Zhu Tianwen
  • 5."Do not know enjoy the life, was to waste lifetime; Do not know enjoy cate, was to waste a day. Was to waste a day.. -- Nuo of the base of a fruit of tower human relations of elder brother lowing ·

Bring the mood into play

What these sentences revealed cate not only is inviting with glamour, it is to tell us more, cate and good intention are having close connection between affection. In the life with complicated numerous and complicated, enjoy cate, enjoy happy one share namely. Wish you fall in the company of cate, always carrying good intention condition!

Thank you to read this article, the hope can bring you through this article cheerful with happiness.

