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To modern, healthy life has become a kind of fashion. However, in busy life, we often oversight a few simple and effective healthy methods. Below, the healthy life style that we will introduce a kind to go easily simply -- 3 decrease 3 add.

3 decrease

Above all, let us talk " 3 decrease " . Here " 3 decrease " those who point to is to decrease absorb quantity of heat, decrease undesirable habit and reduce pressure. To major person, decrease absorbing quantity of heat may be to have a bit what challenge a gender most. People often excessive absorbs food of high quantity of heat, bring about fat with all sorts of chronic illnesses. Through absorbing more and vegetable fruit, coarse food grain and Bai Shui, reduce what grease and candy divide to absorb, quantity of heat of OK and effective control is absorbed, carry healthy weight.

In the meantime, want to reduce undesirable habit, for instance smoke wine excessive, stay up late etc. These undesirable habits harm the body not only, still can affect Morpheus quality and life position. Finally, reduce pressure crucial also to health. Long-term pressure can bring about immune system to drop, the mood is not stable wait for a problem, accordingly, can pass proper motion, loosen the means such as work and rest of skill, law to ease pressure.

3 add

Besides " 3 decrease " besides, "3 add " the key that also is healthy life. Here " 3 add " include to add carry momentum, increase Morpheus time and increase prandial fiber to absorb.

Add carry momentum self-evident to healthy gain. Right amount motion can enhance constitution, improvement heart lungs function, adjust blood pressure blood sugar. In the meantime, increasing Morpheus time also is to hold healthy place indispensable. Morpheus inadequacy can bring about attention to be not centered, metabolize to wait for a problem mussily. Finally, increasing prandial fiber to absorb also is very important. Prandial fiber can promote the alvine path peristalsis, happening that reduces constipation, also have certain effect to preventing the disease such as alvine cancer at the same time.


The place on put together is narrated, of healthy life " 3 decrease 3 add " the principle is a kind of simple and practical method. Through adjusting dietary habit, lifestyle and motion curve, we enjoy healthy life easily. Hope everybody can have healthy physique, give wonderful life alive!

Thank you to read the article, the hope can help you adjust lifestyle better through the article, march toward more healthy life!

