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  • 贯彻党和国家的教育方针政策,制定地方教育工作发展规划;
  • 组织实施义务教育,保障学生接受基本教育权利;
  • 推动学校办学质量提升,完善教育教学体系;
  • 加强教师队伍建设,提高教育教学水平;
  • 管理行政事务,协调推动各项教育改革和发展。



  • 加强学前教育,推动普惠性幼儿园建设;
  • 推进义务教育均衡发展,消除城乡教育差距;
  • 加大对中小学教师的培训力度,提高教学水平和教育教学质量;
  • 推动学校课程改革,促进学生全面发展;
  • 加强学校体育、艺术教育和心理健康教育,关注学生身心健康成长。





The city in advance teachs the duty of the bureau

Bureau of education of the city in advance is local education service, basically be in charge of undertaking planning as a whole to the educational job inside area under administration, management and guidance, promote the healthy development that teachs a career. Its duty includes:

  • Implement the policy of policy for education of party and country, make a place teach the job to develop a program;
  • The organization implements compulsory education, safeguard student accepts basic education right;
  • Drive school education quality to promote, perfect educational education system;
  • Strengthen pedagogic team construction, raise educational education level;
  • Run civil service, harmonious promote each education reform and development.

The city in advance teachs the working focal point of the bureau

To fulfil obligation better, bureau of education of the city in advance will be taught preferential as working key, develop the work around the following respects:

  • Strengthen preschool education, drive nursery school of Pu Hui sex to build;
  • Advance obligation to teach balanced evolution, eliminate difference of urban and rural education;
  • Those who increase teachers of pair of middle and primary school groom strength, improve education level and educational education quality;
  • Promote school curriculum reform, stimulative student develops in the round;
  • Strengthen school sports, artistic education and mental health education, health of attention student body and mind grows.

The achievement of bureau of education of the city in advance and look into

In advance city teachs the effort of the bureau to fall, educational job gained remarkable success. Preschool education gets popular, compulsory education level rises steadily, school education quality is improved apparently, pedagogic team construction is strengthened ceaselessly. Future, bureau of education of the city in advance will continue to devote oneself to to teach the reform of the career and evolution, health of the student that help strength grows, teach strong town for construction and make arduous efforts.

Thank you to read the article, key of the duty of bureau of education of the city in understanding advance through development, job and achievement and look into, you can understand the city in advance in the round to teach the development existing state of affairs of the career more, and the effort that the teaching staff grows place to make to learn to generate and contribution.

