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The sweet case lira that is located in Chinese Yunnan province is a place that is full of mystery and glamour, having rich natural landscape and deep humanitarian history. No matter be to explore natural scene to still experience distinctive Cang Chuanfo to teach culture, sweet case lira can satisfy the travel requirement of tourist diversification. The article will guide your one by one to appreciate the travel resort of sweet case lira, open the mysterious veil of this downy scene.

Ancient city of sweet case lira

Ancient city of sweet case lira is located in center of county of sweet case lira, it is an old town that has grumous Tibetian amorous feelings. The Tibetan type of a lot of traditions builds the in store inside Gu Cheng, narrow street both sides is the Cang Shimin house that has distinguishing feature alone and sundry handicraft shop. Here, you can experience grumous Tibetian amorous feelings, appreciation is tasted to traditional handicraft, and the meal Tibetan type that tastes savor tunnel.

General amounts to arrange state park

General amounts to arrange state parkBe located in churchyard of county of sweet case lira, it is one of groove guard of nature of Chinese state level. Rows of mountains of here chain of mountains, laky dotted, biology sort is various, it is pedestrian, expeditionary the superexcellent place to go with photography. Inside the park, you can admire a high mountain meadow, virgin forest, laky with precious rare use a plant, enjoy the uncanny workmanship of nature to the top of one's bent.

Song Zanlin temple

Song Zanlin templeIt is one of Buddhist temple with sweet case the famousest lira, also be Yunnan saves the biggest Cang Chuanfo to teach fane. Cloister interior adornment is distinctive, carved beams and painted rafters, was full of the gem of religious art and culture. Here, you are OK the Song classics sound of lection of listen respectfully buddhism, experience devotional devotional beauty.

La Yuegu

The La Yuegu that is located in ministry of northwest of county of sweet case lira is a gorge that is enclothed by forest, because of its water is in a of cereal bottom rapid onflow river to a blue appears below sunshine illuminate and get a name. Here greenery is shady, the flower blooms, attractive scenery. OK and pedestrian or the tourist is equestrian pass through jungly, experience the glamour of nature.


Sweet case lira is attracting more and more tourists with its distinctive geographical environment and long humanitarian history. No matter be the natural landscape that pursues beauty, still experience Cang Chuanfo teachs culture, sweet case lira can let stream of people forget to return repeatedly. Believe to be on this Sukhavati, you will surely find the place of interior perch.

Thank you to read the article, hope the introduction of tourist attraction of travel of lira of this sweet case can be you to provide a few helps when the journey.

