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壶口瀑布旅游指南 | 壶口瀑布景点介绍、交通、门票、游玩注意事项英文双语对照


壶口瀑布旅游指南 | 壶口瀑布景点介绍、交通、门票、游玩注意事项英文双语对照










  • 1. 壶口瀑布景区气候多变,请根据实际天气合理携带衣物。
  • 2. 瀑布水汽较大,游览时注意防水防滑。
  • 3. 尊重当地风俗和习惯,保护环境,不随地乱扔垃圾。
  • 4. 在瀑布上游玩时,注意安全,切勿靠近悬崖边缘或涵洞。



Crock mouth chute: The water sky of the Yellow River comes

Crock mouth chute, the Shanxi that is located in Yellow River upper reaches visits town of mouth of crock of Great Harmony city, be known as " the Yellow River the first waterfall " . Regard China as one of 4 cataract, before with its grand gallant scenery is attracting countless tourists, crock mouth chute is viewed and admire.

Tourist attraction of crock mouth chute introduces

Crock mouth chute is be declined from the bluff that makes an appointment with 30 meters high by Yellow River water and become, those who formed mist of an of great momentum, water to diffuse is strong beautiful landscape. Chute submits horse's hoof form, crock of a big copper hangs just like on precipice, get a name consequently " crock mouth chute " .

Traffic of crock mouth fall

Crock mouth chute is located in Shanxi to save churchyard of Great Harmony city, the tourist can take the train first or the plane reachs Great Harmony city, turn again by public transportation or waterfall of past crock mouth is scenic before renting a car area. Additional, drive oneself swimming also is a kind of convenient choice, whole journey high speed is nonstop.

Entrance ticket of crock mouth chute

Price of entrance ticket of area of scene of crock mouth chute is adult XX yuan / person, student XX yuan / person (buy a ticket by student's identification card) , children XX yuan / person. The tourist still can choose to buy those who contain storage battery car or environmental protection car to cover a bill, convenient visit panoramic area.

Note of amuse oneself of crock mouth chute

  • 1.Climate of area of scene of crock mouth chute is changeful, ask a basis actual weather is reasonable carry clothings.
  • 2.Chute lunt is bigger, the attention when visitting is waterproof prevent slippery.
  • 3.Respect local custom and habit, protect an environment, do not throw rubbish in disorder everywhere.
  • 4.When chute upper reaches plays, the attention is safe, do not stand by cliff brim or culvert.

Thank you to read end! Hope a directory of travel of crock mouth fall to you the scheduling in crock mouth chute and on-the-spot amuse oneself are helped somewhat.

