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Pet otter: Understanding suits to raise the environment of pet otter and note

Pet otter, also call otter, it is a kind of very lovely puppy, their appearance and lively individual character attracted a lot of people to become its host. However, want to raise pet otter, need to understand the environment that they need and conserve note above all, ability gives them the life space of a healthy joy.

Of otter raise an environment

Raise pet otter to need to provide the space of likeness of an as feral as its surroundings for its. They need ample water area, because otter is half water dwell mammalian, very strong to the dependence of water. Accordingly, need prepares a capacious cistern for them or cistern, make sure water quality is clear and fresh. In the meantime, otter also needs the space of terrestrial activity, can install a land to rest area, offer a few ligneous toys and burrow, let otter have a place amuse oneself and rest.

Of otter raise a note

Besides the environment, raise pet otter to still need to note its food and healthy problem. Otter is carnivore, basically be with fish and crustacean animal feed, because this need provides fresh fish and crustacean food for its. Additional, the hair need of otter is combed regularly and clean, in order to maintain its neat with health. In addition, take pet otter to undertake checkup also is very important regularly, in order to ensure its are healthy.

Anyhow, raise pet otter to need to give its ample water area and terrestrial activity space, provide appropriate food and undertake checkup and hair cleanness regularly. Below the premise that satisfying these basic requirements only, pet otter ability passes on the life of healthy joy.

Acknowledgment reads the article, the hope can help your better understanding raise the environment of pet otter and note through this article.

