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Of incident evolve with course

All sorts of incident in the life have his distinctive development course and evolve into direction, the gradual progress direction of these incident gets normally the influence of many sided element. The small business from inside individual life arrives socially big event, existing oneself development contrail and metabolic trend. The development course that the article will discuss all sorts of incident in the life and evolve into direction.

The incident in individual life changes

In individual life, all sorts of incident such as such as job, study, feeling, family can experience different development level. For instance, a person is on-the-job the development on field, may experience start level, mix into long-term, stability period the different level such as transition period, and the change of these phase is to get the influence of individual volition, external environment and social element.

The development contrail of social incident

Give birth to the incident in work besides the individual, socially the development contrail that incident also is having him. For instance, of the progress of science and technology, regime change, the inheritance of culture, it is the main field that social incident develops. Of these incident evolve into direction and course to often get the combined influence of a variety of elements such as the history, culture, economy.

The influencing factor that incident changes

Of incident evolve into direction and course to get the influence of numerous element, include the many sided factor such as setting of environment of individual consciousness, society, history among them. Individual choice and the change of decision-making, external environment, and of historical course drive the development way that affects event possibly and course.


The development course of all sorts of incident in the life and evolving into direction is complex and multidimensional problem, it was mirrorred individual the gradual progress sequence of thought of the mutual concern with the society and history. Carry pair of this one problem discuss, can understand the metabolic rule of incident better, it is individual offer with social development draw lessons from with enlightenment.

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