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About " which is the Great Cultural Revolution year " this problem, actually and the answer with exact neither one. The Great Cultural Revolution is on Chinese history one paragraph of disorder and turbulent period, it is not the event that produces inside a specific time, last to 1976 from 1966 however.

Actually, the Great Cultural Revolution is initiated by Mao Zedong, he tries to consolidate through this motion oneself influence, cleared dissident, weigh model China society. Inside this paragraph of time, large-scale society produced inside countrywide limits queasy with politics queasy, produced far-reaching effect to Chinese society and culture.

1966 is the node of mark sex time that the Great Cultural Revolution begins, mao Zedong started a student to undertake " 516 " announcement, they comprise the appeal Gong Weibing, evolve to move for national politics next. Next inside a few years, chinese society happened to change tremendously, the respect such as education, culture, artistic, politics got huge is affected.

During the Great Cultural Revolution, a lot of old intellectuals, cultural worker, official and other society elite got persecute, a lot of ancient time buildings, cultural relic and artwork also sufferred destroy. After till 1976 Mao Zedong dies, just be the official end of the Great Cultural Revolution. After this, china began to be as long as tens of year reforming and opening, was on a new development way gradually.

As a whole, the Great Cultural Revolution is a disorder and dark period, although historical fixed position is complex, but principal to be being had for China and world history port.

The influence of the Great Cultural Revolution

The Great Cultural Revolution brought huge to destroy to Chinese society with the disorder, the life that caused a lot of people is affected badly. Not only such, the Great Cultural Revolution is right also the respect such as tradition of culture of sense of social structure of China, value, history produced far-reaching effect. In addition, the Great Cultural Revolution is right also pair of diplomacy shedding of China and international figure produced main effect.


Pass above introduction, we are right " which is the Great Cultural Revolution year " this one problem had more clear knowledge. The Great Cultural Revolution is one very special with complex period, its neither one begins time and end time exactly, but left far-reaching effect to China however. The hope can pass our understanding, know this paragraph of history better, and learn a lesson.

Thank you to read the article, hope to be helped somewhat to you.

