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育儿嫂 VS 育婴师:谁才是最适合您家庭的选择?英文双语对照


育儿嫂 VS 育婴师:谁才是最适合您家庭的选择?英文双语对照











Yo the duty of elder brother's wife and Yo infant division and skill

Yo elder brother's wife and Yo infant division are the personnel that major takes care of an infant, but both differ somewhat on duty and skill. Generally speaking, Yo elder brother's wifeworking range is wider, besides the life daily life that takes care of an infant, food and sanitation, still include daily education of the child and action management. AndYo infant divisionOf cheeper of more dedicated Yu Ying nurse and health care works, include raise, wash protect, the respect such as Morpheus.

Choose a level: Domestic demand and individual quality

Choosing Yo when elder brother's wife or Yo infant division, the key depends on specific requirement of the family and individual quality. If the parent hopes to find more comprehensive the personnel that takes care of child life and education, so choose Yo elder brother's wife may be more appropriate. And if the family basically needs professional infant to nurse,serve, so Yo infant division may be better choice.

Working environment and firewood propose a toast

Additional, domestic work environment to choosing Yo elder brother's wife or Yo infant division are influential also. Yo the working range of elder brother's wife is wider, need has better family to coordinate ability and educational ability; And more of Yo infant division needs to be in of the infant nurse professional mastery of a skill or technique is developed in the job. On firewood fulfil, generally speaking, yo the firewood fulfil of elder brother's wife will be opposite taller, because their need has more overall technical ability and responsibility.


No matter be choice Yo elder brother's wife or Yo infant division, need to decide according to effective demand of the family. Hope the article can help need look for Yo the family that serves personnel!

Thank you read, hope this article is helped somewhat to you.

