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1. 有氧运动: 适合中年妇女的有氧运动主要包括快走、慢跑、游泳、瑜伽、舞蹈等,这类有氧运动不仅能够增强心肺功能,还可以提高身体代谢,促进脂肪燃烧。

2. 力量训练: 中年女性要注重力量训练,包括哑铃训练、器械训练、拉力带训练等,力量训练可以增强骨密度和肌肉力量,减缓骨质流失的速度,预防骨质疏松。

3. 柔韧训练: 中年妇女可以进行瑜伽、普拉提、体态训练等柔韧性训练,增加关节的灵活性,预防关节疼痛和运动损伤。


1. 请先接受专业的体能检测与身体健康评估,了解自己的身体状况及运动潜力,避免运动中出现意外。

2. 健身过程中要注意适度,不可过度消耗体力,避免运动过度导致身体损伤。

3. 健身操选择应因人而异,如果有基础性疾病或身体不适,应寻求专业指导。



Healthy value:

In recent years, the importance of middleaged woman fitness gets attention fully. As the growth of the age, the female's metabolism chases decrescent delay, bone density drops, the healthy problem such as muscle prediction of a person's luck in a given year appears gradually. Reasonable gymnastical activity can improve heart lungs function not only, enhance skeletal power, return rate of consenescence of can effective slow down, increase the strength of the body. It is to be middleaged woman to measure the setting-up exercise guideline with custom-built body below, aim to help middleaged woman choose appropriate setting-up exercise, enjoy the life of healthy vigor.

Suit a group:

Because middleaged female lives rhythm faster, actuating pressure is great, undertake physical training lesser, cause the problem such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis very easily. All sorts of this kind of healthy problems to middleaged female character, it is a problem that nots allow to ignore. This setting-up exercise suits 35-55 year old between healthy middleaged woman.

Setting-up exercise content:

1.Have oxygen campaign: The campaign having oxygen that fits middleaged woman basically includes to go quickly, canter, swim, gem gal, dancing, this kind of motion having oxygen can enhance heart lungs function not only, still can raise body metabolization, promote adipose combustion.

2.Force trains: Middleaged female should pay attention to force to train, include dumbbell training, appliance training, pulling force to take training to wait, force training can enhance bone density and muscle power, the speed of prediction of a person's luck in a given year of slow down bone, prevent osteoporosis.

3.Withy training: Middleaged woman can undertake the flexibility such as training of gem gal, Puladi, posture trains, add articulatory flexibility, prevent articulatory ache and athletic damage.


1.The physical ability that accepts major first please detects with healthy evaluate, realize oneself body state and athletic potential, the accident appears in preventing exercise.

2.Should notice in gymnastical process measurable, cannot excessive consume physical power, prevent exercise excessive cause body loss.

3.Setting-up exercise chooses to answer because of the person different, if have fundamental sex disease or body unwell, should seek professional guidance.

Guideline of hope above setting-up exercise can help middleaged women find the gymnastical way that suits his, maintain the life of healthy vigor. Thank you read!

