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Inheritance of Chinese people culture

China is a state that has long history and rich people culture, and these culture inheritance since ancient times up to now, bearing the weight of ethical wisdom and spirit. Arrive from traditional art modern life, ethical culture is affecting Chinese society and world with different form all the time.

The inheritance of traditional art

Chinese traditional art is the main component of Chinese people culture, include each fields such as painterly, music, dancing, opera. These artistic forms are of long standing and well established, acting acting according to legend, evolve ceaselessly and innovate. For instance Chinese traditional Chinese painting is mixed with its distinctive color ability law is famed at the world, traditional music is shirt-sleeve rich ethical element, classical dancing is bearing the weight of deep historical culture connotation, the opera form such as play of Beijing opera, yellow plum is to bearing the weight of more China's old opera is artistic.

Ethical culture is behaved mediumly in modern life

As the development of the times, ethical culture of China also got reflect and be carryinged on in modern life. Traditional festival is like the Spring Festival, dragon boat festival, the Mid-autumn Festival to wait, became people to reunite, the royal festival that traditional cate, folk-custom performs. In addition, traditional medicine of China, building, dress, cate also producing main effect in contemporary society, made the important mark of Chinese characteristic culture. In the meantime, folk art is like folk music, folk dance to waited to also receive inheritance and innovation now, made the main component of culture originality industry.

The protection of ethical culture and development

Be aimed at the protection of Chinese people culture and development, chinese government and social all circles all the time since take seriously highly. Through making legal laws and regulations, protection industry of culture of immaterial culture bequest, support grows wait for a method, strengthen the inheritance of pair of people culture and protection ceaselessly. In the meantime, strengthen the support of pair of minority areas and help, the traditional culture that protects them and consuetudinary, also be the significant move that protects ethical culture.

Explore inheritance of Chinese people culture through development, we can know the culture inside information of Chinese rich and colorful better, inheritance and the marrow that develop ethical culture, let the world is known better and understand ethical culture of China.

Thank you to read the article, the hope lets you understand the inheritance of Chinese people culture and development deep more through this article, and its are in the principal port in contemporary society.

