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  • 茂名牛肉火锅:以鲜嫩的牛肉片和鲜美的火锅底料为特色,吃法简单,口味独特,是茂名的招牌美食之一。
  • 鲜虾云吞面:细嫩的面条配上鲜美的云吞,鲜美清淡,香气逼人。
  • 膏蟹:茂名以膏蟹盛产而闻名,肉质鲜美,膏汁丰富,口感极为醇厚。



  • 鸡翅粉:鸡翅粉是茂名当地传统美食,外皮酥脆,内里鲜嫩多汁,香气四溢。
  • 茂名糯米糍:软糯甜蜜,口感绵软,香甜可口。
  • 茂名糖水:以数十种草药熬制而成,清热解暑,滋补养颜,是茂名人夏日消暑的首选。



  • XXX牛肉火锅店:地道的茂名牛肉火锅,肉质鲜嫩,汤底鲜美,火锅料丰富,值得一试。
  • XXX云吞面馆:口味地道的鲜虾云吞面,清淡鲜美,让人回味无穷。
  • XXX美食城:集合了茂名众多特色小吃,可以一次品尝到各种当地美食,物美价廉。




Mao Mingmei feeds culture to summarize

Regard Guangdong as one of provincial and main cities, luxuriant name is a bustling haven town since ancient times, formed distinctive and multivariate cate culture consequently. Mao Mingmei is fed give priority to with dish of another name for Guangdong Province, return confluence at the same time the cooking skill of the different district such as the Hakkas dish, wet Shan dish and flavor means, present the characteristic cate that gives rich diversity.

Eat cate to recommend surely

After the cate of of all kinds that tasted luxuriant name, have a few kinds of fascia cate that cannot miss absolutely.

  • Luxuriant name beef chaffy dish: It is characteristic with fresh and tender ox cutlet and delicious chaffy dish footing, have a way simple, taste is distinctive, it is one of fascia cate of luxuriant name.
  • Bright shrimp cloud swallows a face: Delicate noodle deserves to go up delicious Yun Tun, delicious and delicate, aroma is threatening.
  • Cream crab: Luxuriant name is well-known with creaming crab is teemed with, the flesh is qualitative delicious, cream juice is abounded, mouthfeel is very full-bodied.

Characteristic is fastfood introduce

Besides prandial cate, luxuriant name still has numerous trueborn distinguishing feature fastfood, lick one's chaps letting a person.

  • Gallinaceous wing pink: Gallinaceous wing pink is luxuriant name local traditional cate, cortical crisp, inside in fresh and tender and juicily, aroma 4 excessive.
  • Luxuriant name Ci of polished glutinous rice: Soft glutinous is sweet, mouthfeel soft, sweet and goluptious.
  • Luxuriant name syrup: With tens of planting medicinal herbs is boiled make and become, clear heat sees hot weather, grow take a tonic to build up health colour, it is the first selection of heat of disappear of luxuriant celebrity summer.

Characteristic cafeteria is recommended

Want to savour authentic luxuriant name cate, a few cafeteria are worth to go.

  • Inn of XXX beef chaffy dish: Pure luxuriant name beef chaffy dish, the flesh is qualitative fresh and tender, soup bottom is delicious, chaffy dish material is rich, be worth to try.
  • XXX cloud swallows noodle shop: The bright shrimp cloud of taste tunnel swallows a face, delicate and delicious, aftertaste letting a person is boundless.
  • XXX cate city: Assembled luxuriant name is numerous characteristic is fastfood, can sample all sorts of place cate, cheap and fine.

Understand Mao Mingmei to feed culture deep, can satisfy taste bud not only, can experience the glamour of this city more. The welcome savours luxuriant name cate, appreciate different cate amorous feelings!

Thank you to read this article, the comprehensive knowledge that the hope can bring you to be fed to Mao Mingmei and the proposal that choose food.

