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建立关爱体系: 社会各界应建立留守儿童关爱体系,包括政府、学校、社区和家庭。政府应加大对留守儿童心理健康的关注和支持力度,学校和社区可以组织心理辅导和集体活动,帮助留守儿童建立良好的人际关系。

心理干预: 心理专家可以开展针对留守儿童的心理咨询和干预工作,帮助他们解决心理问题,缓解焦虑和抑郁情绪。通过心理疏导和心理支持,帮助他们建立自信、树立积极的人生态度。

家庭关爱: 父母在外务工期间,尽量保持与孩子的沟通,表达对孩子的关心和爱,让孩子感受到父母的支持和鼓励。同时,长辈和家庭成员要加强对留守儿童的关爱和教育,营造和谐温馨的家庭氛围。





Setting introduction

Children staying behind is outside showing parental one party or both sides are in for a long time, ground Wu is versed in, the child stays for a long time in the children that rural home town attends by elder or other family member. Long-term domestic depart brought grim challenge to the mental health of children staying behind, need society all circles especially the attention of psychological expert and help.

Mental health problem

Long-term depart and loneliness make children staying behind easily generation angst, depressed wait for psychological problem. They lack the consideration of domestic warmth and parents, produce self-abased feeling and alone move easily. In growing process, the family with good lack is taught and guide, the likelihood brings about them disposition twist, behavior is rebel wait for a problem.

Effective method

Build care system: Social all circles should build system of care of children staying behind, include government, school, community and family. The government should increase the attention of mental health of pair of children staying behind and supportive strength, the school and community can organize psychology to coach with collective activity, help children staying behind establish good human relationship.

Psychological interpose: Psychological expert can begin the psychology that is aimed at children staying behind to seek advice to work with interpose, help them solve psychological problem, alleviate angst and depressed mood. Pass psychological dredge and psychological support, help them build self-confidence, establish positive life attitude.

Domestic care: Parents is between foreign affairs time limit for a project, maintain the communication with the child as far as possible, express the care to the child and love, let child sense support and be encouraged of parents. In the meantime, elder and domestic member should strengthen the care of pair of children staying behind and education, build the domestic atmosphere of harmonious warmth.


The mental health of care children staying behind grows to theirs crucial, need the joint efforts of social all circles. Through establishing interpose of care system, psychology and domestic care, we can help children staying behind establish healthy philosophy, overcome psychological problem, health grows.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can let more person understand through this article how the mental health of care children staying behind, the growing contribution that is them a force.

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