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如何选择时尚斜挎包?| 时尚斜挎包的搭配技巧与保养方法英文双语对照


如何选择时尚斜挎包?| 时尚斜挎包的搭配技巧与保养方法英文双语对照



  • 材质:时尚斜挎包的常见材质有真皮、PU皮、帆布等。真皮斜挎包质感好,但价格较高;PU皮和帆布斜挎包价格更亲民,但需注意选购时的质量。
  • 颜色:选择时尚斜挎包的颜色时,一般来说,中性色如黑色、白色、灰色更易搭配不同风格的服饰;同时,也可根据季节和个人喜好选择亮色或深色。
  • 款式:斜挎包的款式多样,有简约的方形款、复古的圆形款、时髦的链条款等,选择时需考虑个人的穿衣风格和身材特点。
  • 尺寸:根据日常需要携带的物品来选择斜挎包的尺寸,过大会显得笨重,过小容纳不了常用物品。
  • 品牌:时尚斜挎包的品牌多种多样,可以根据自己的经济实力和品牌偏好做出选择。



  • 休闲搭配:搭配休闲装时,选择简约款的斜挎包,如帆布材质或简约设计的链条款,能增加整体时尚感。
  • 正式搭配:搭配正式装扮时,选择经典款的斜挎包,如真皮材质、中性色或深色,能突显出职业魅力。
  • 颜色搭配:时尚斜挎包的颜色搭配原则是与服装或鞋履形成呼应或对比,打造出时尚的整体造型。
  • 配饰搭配:根据斜挎包的款式和材质,搭配合适的配饰,如丝巾、挂饰等,能使整体造型更加丰富多彩。



  • 日常清洁:用干净的抹布轻轻擦拭表面污垢,定期使用皮具护理产品做一次全面清洁。
  • 防潮防晒:斜挎包存放时要放置在通风干燥处,避免阳光直射和高温;雨天要注意防潮防水。
  • 定期保养:定期给斜挎包上一层皮具保养蜡,使其保持光泽,避免皮质干裂。
  • 使用注意:避免斜挎包长时间接触硬物或摩擦,避免划痕;使用时避免过重过载,以免变形损坏。




The choice skill of fashionable inclined satchel

To the female, a fashionable inclined satchel is practical not only deserve to act the role of, it is the important sign that shows a bearing flavour and fashionable attitude more. Choose a fashionable inclined satchel that suits oneself, need considers many aspects.

  • Material is qualitative: The common capable person of fashionable inclined satchel has skin of dermal, PU, canvas to wait character. Dermal inclined satchel has felt character, but the price is higher; PU skin and value of canvas inclined satchel are more relative civilian, but the quality when needing to notice a choose and buy.
  • Color: When the color that chooses fashionable inclined satchel, generally speaking, neuter color matchs more easily like black, white, gray the dress of different style; In the meantime, also can choose bright color according to season and individual be fond of or brunet.
  • Design: The design of inclined satchel is diversiform, the brief quadrate paragraph, circle money that restore ancient ways, modern chain money waits, need to consider clad style of the individual and figure characteristic when the choice.
  • Dimension: The article that carries according to daily need will choose the dimension of inclined satchel, cross congress to appear cumbersome, too small cannot contain commonly used article.
  • Brand: The brand of fashionable inclined satchel is varied, can make a choice according to his economic actual strength and brand preference.

The tie-in skill of fashionable inclined satchel

Tie-in and fashionable inclined satchel needs to consider integral modelling and circumstance demand, it is a few tie-in skill below:

  • Recreational and tie-in: When tie-in and recreational outfit, choose the inclined satchel of brief paragraph, the catenary clause that if qualitative or canvas material is contracted,designs, can increase integral vogue to feel.
  • Formal collocation: When collocation is dressed up formally, choose the inclined satchel of classical money, if dermal material is qualitative, neuter lubricious or brunet, can dash forward show professional glamour.
  • Color is tie-in: The color collocation principle of fashionable inclined satchel is walk on with dress or shoe form echo or contrast, make the integral model that gives vogue.
  • Deserve to act the role of collocation: The design according to inclined satchel and material are qualitative, collocation deserves suitably to act the role of, the towel that be like silk, hang adorn etc, can make integral modelling more rich and colorful.

Of fashionable inclined satchel maintain method

To prolong the service life of fashionable inclined satchel, maintain the job is attached most importance to especially should.

  • Daily cleanness: Wipe exterior bilge gently with clean dishcloth, use a skin to provide regularly nurse the product does comprehensive cleanness.
  • Moistureproof prevent bask in: When inclined satchel is deposited, should place in ventilated and dry place, prevent sun point-blank with high temperature; Wet should notice moistureproof and waterproof.
  • Maintain regularly: Provide to a skin regularly maintain candle, make its maintain burnish, avoid coriaceous and weather-shack.
  • Use attention: Avoid inclined satchel to contact good thing or attrition for long, avoid nick; Overweight overload avoids when using, lest be out of shape,damage.

Although fashionable inclined satchel is small, bearing the weight of however many fashionable tide and savour, the inclined satchel that chooses to suit oneself matchs correctly maintain, the fashionable glamour that can let you times add.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can be reached for your choose and buy, collocation maintain fashionable inclined satchel provides a few helps.
