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Fontal city: Gu Cheng's glamour

Fontal city, be located in southeast the Fujian Province coastal, it is a history the Gu Cheng with solid inside information of long, culture. As " maritime the Silk Road " start, fontal city is bearing the weight of rich brine business culture and numerous history are vestigial. Enter fontal state, as if pass through days channel, can hear old brine business trades it seems that the sound of noise and religious Zhonggu. Stroll along Gu Cheng's flagging, the vicissitudes of life that can experience this city and grandiose.

Stone tower, Buddhist temple and mosque

Fontal city is having rich and multivariate religion culture, here has numerous and old Buddhist temple and mosque. Among them, open the Buddhist temple such as yuan of temple, Na Shaolin temple and kosher temple, build elegance of style of primitive simplicity, the burning incense inside the temple winds around. And have the mosque with ancient vestigial the Silk Road to be like mosque of Xing Guofu wide temple, Yunnan to wait, also be the testimony that culture blends.

Littoral scene: Cate and recreational

Besides advantaged historical culture details, fontal city still has attractive littoral view. Along coasting, what can feel sea breeze is pure and fresh with ocean wave rising and falling. The seafood cate here is lick one's chaps making a person more, fresh marine with distinctive cooking craft, enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave letting a person. Besides cate, still can enjoy sunbathe in the seaside, experience sunshine and seawater cure glamour.

Fontal city park: Build the perfect tie with gardens

The gardens of fontal city builds the one big characteristic that also is this city, be like south An Haitan of garden of Annam Shan Wenyuan, Tai Ningyan wall, benefit is ancient the gardens that garden is a model builds artistic delegate. In these gardens, can appreciate building of Chinese ancient time and the marrow with artistic gardens, savour among them accumulate contained culture precipitates.

Altogether, fontal city travel can let a person experience long history and culture not only, still can admire attractive littoral scene and gardens building, no matter be the person that culture is pursued,still lie fallow the person that go vacationing, can find a scope of activity that attributes oneself in this city.

Thank you to read the article, the journey that hopes directory of travel of this spring city can be you is brought help and inspire.
