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1. 多运动:冬季适合进行一些室内运动,比如瑜伽、健身操等,保持身体的活跃。

2. 补充维生素D:冬季阳光较少,导致维生素D的缺乏,可以适当补充维生素D,可以通过食物或补充剂来进行。

3. 多喝水:虽然冬季天气寒冷,但依然需要适量饮水,保持身体的水分平衡。

4. 合理作息:冬季天气寒冷,晚上容易入睡,建议保持良好的作息习惯,保证充足的睡眠。

5. 注意防寒保暖:在寒冷的天气出门时,要注意多穿衣服,保暖防寒。

6. 增加热量摄入:在冬季适当增加热量摄入,但要避免过多的高热量食物。

7. 均衡膳食:冬季也要保持均衡的饮食,摄取足够的蔬菜水果等营养食物。

8. 预防感冒:冬季是感冒多发季节,注意保持室内空气流通,勤洗手等预防感冒措施。

9. 放松心情:冬季容易情绪低落,要学会放松自己,保持良好的心态。

10. 注意皮肤保养:冬季干燥,要注意皮肤保养,补充水分,防止皲裂。

11. 定期体检:冬季也要定期进行体检,确保自身健康状况。

12. 注意用药安全:冬季容易感冒,要注意用药安全,避免滥用抗生素等药物。




Winter health lives: 12 small stick person aid you to spend cold season

As the arrival in the winter, cold weather often can is opposite the health of people causes certain effect. Spend this cold season to help great master, what we arranged health of a few winter to live is small stick person, hope to be able to be helped somewhat to you.

1.Move more: Winter suits to have a few indoor campaign, for instance gem gal, setting-up exercise, those who hold the body is active.

2.Compensatory vitamin D: Winter sunshine is less, cause the shortage of vitamin D, d of OK and proper compensatory vitamin, can undertake through food or replenishers.

3.Drink water more: Although winter weather is cold, but still need right amount water, maintain the moisture equilibrium of the body.

4.Reasonable work and rest: Winter weather is cold, fall asleep easily in the evening, the proposal holds convention of good work and rest, assure enough sleep.

5.The attention prevents cold heat preservation: When cold weather goes out, want to notice to wear the dress more, heat preservation is prevented cold.

6.Increase quantity of heat to absorb: Increase quantity of heat to absorb appropriately in winter, but should avoid food of overmuch high quantity of heat.

7.Balanced and prandial: Winter also should maintain balanced diet, absorb the nutrient food such as enough vegetable fruit.

8.Precaution catchs a cold: Winter is season of cold much hair, the attention maintains indoor airiness, diligent wash one's hands wait for precautionary cold measure.

9.Loosen the mood: Winter is easy the mood is low, want to learn to loosen oneself, maintain good state of mind.

10.Notice the skin maintains: Winter is dry, want to notice the skin maintains, compensatory moisture, prevent chap.

11.Fixed check-up: Winter also should undertake check-up regularly, ensure oneself is healthy state.

12.The attention uses medical security: Winter catchs a cold easily, want to notice to use medical security, avoid to abuse the medicaments such as antibiotic.

Of hope above small stick person can help everybody spend a healthy and comfortable season in winter, wish everybody health is happy!

Acknowledgment reader reads this article, hope these are small stick person can bring a few helps for your winter life.
