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Learn knowledge and the union that the life carries out

Pupil period is the important level that knowledge absorbs, and the knowledge of study stays on textbook not just, more important is can undertake be applyinged neatly in daily life. Be united in wedlock through will studying knowledge and life practice just about, pupil people the knowledge that can use place to learn in daily life will solve all sorts of problems.

Chinese knowledge is applied

In Chinese study, pupil people accumulated many vocabulary and read savvy. When be faced with Chinese to read a title, the problem that can carry pair of descriptions in article undertakes an analysis, knowledge of carry diction article will solve relevant problem, pass for instance inference, Baconian will solve specific problem with the means such as the proposal. In addition, elementary school survival can express his viewpoint and opinion through writing, foster the expressive ability of oneself and logistic thinking thereby.

Mathematical knowledge is applied

In mathematical study, pupil people learned to be added basically decrease by except operation, the ability that solves mathematical title also gets taking exercise in exert a subtle influence on. These mathematical skill can be applied in daily life, search in the computation when shopping for example 0, perhaps apply the concept of time and space when orchestrating an activity, can help pupil solve real problem better.

Scientific knowledge is applied

Science regards a practicality as stronger course, pupil people a lot of natural phenomena and scientific principle understood in study. In daily life, they can solve a few real problems through scientific knowledge, observe weather variation will decide to dress and give a way for instance, perhaps come through simple test test and verify the phenomenon in a few lives.


Be united in wedlock through the Chinese of study, maths, will scientific knowledge and daily life photograph, pupil people all sorts of problems in can answering the life better, foster their practice ability and innovation thinking. The education of this kind of ability conduces to the study achievement that promotes the child not only, more important is to help them suit better and solve all sorts of lives to challenge in in the future growing process.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can help the parent and teacher guide pupil to will learn knowledge and union of real life photograph better through the article, help them grow better.

