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1. 花生汤:这是一种用花生米和糯米制成的特色小吃。浓浓的花生香味和软糯的口感,让人回味无穷。游客可以购买包装好的花生汤带回家,与家人朋友一同品尝。

2. 鱼丸:厦门的鱼丸选用当地海鱼,经过精心制作而成,味道鲜美。游客可以购买真空包装的鱼丸,方便携带,并在家中进行简单加热后食用。

3. 荔枝糕:这是一种以荔枝为原料制作的糕点,香甜可口。由于干燥的特性,荔枝糕便于保存和携带,是非常适合带回家的伴手礼。





Xiamen cate is summarized

Xiamen regards a beautiful seaside as the city, having attractive view not only, still having the cate culture of rich diversity. Among them, with its individual situation and grumous marine breath, formed distinctive characteristic cate, love by broad tourist and local.

Xiamen cate characteristic

Xiamen characteristic cate includes soup of face of seafood, zhongzi, sanded tea, earthnut to wait, blame with its fastfood and famed. These cate not only taste is distinctive, and a lot of fastfood OK still and convenient carry. Accordingly, the tourist can taste the cate of savor tunnel, still can take at the same time a few fastfood come home.

Xiamen characteristic cate: What can take away is fastfood recommend

1.Earthnut soup: This is a kind of distinguishing feature that becomes with pignut and glutinous the metric system fastfood. The mouthfeel of thick earthnut fragrance and soft glutinous, aftertaste letting a person is boundless. The tourist can buy the earthnut soup that has packed to bring back the home, sample together with family friend.

2.Piscine bolus: The piscine bolus of Xiamen chooses local sea fish, the course is made meticulously and become, flavour is delicious. The tourist can buy vacuum-packed piscine bolus, just carry, undertake the edible after heating simply in the home.

3.Litchi cake: This is a kind of cake that makes for raw material with litchi, sweet and goluptious. As a result of dry character, litchi cake facilitates save and carry, dispute often suits to bring back the ceremony of the home that accompany a hand.


Xiamen characteristic cate tastes not only delicate and distinctive, goluptious, and a lot of fastfood square still portable belt. When you visit Xiamen, what do not miss these to be able to be taken away certainly is fastfood, let cate become the good memory in the journey.

Thank you to read this article, hope you can enjoy pure cate when Xiamen travels, also can take a few distinguishing feature at the same time fastfood come home, what share Xiamen with family friend is delicate.
