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  • 阿尔卑斯山脉探险:登山、滑雪、徒步……尽情体验雄伟壮丽的自然景观。
  • 大堡礁海底探险:潜水、浮潜,畅游海底世界的绚丽和多样。
  • 亚马逊雨林探秘:探险徒步,近距离感受原始丛林的神秘与魅力。



  • 欧洲古城之旅:漫步在布拉格的巷子里,感受古老建筑的沧桑。品尝威尼斯的美食,领略浪漫水城的风情。
  • 东方文明之旅:游览中国的长城、故宫,体验深厚的中华文化。徜徉于日本的京都,领略雅致的和风庭园、古色古香的茶道文化。
  • 非洲部落探访:亲近非洲部落民俗,了解他们的生活方式和独特文化。




Honour enjoy costly, have a good swim the world

Circuitry of high-quality goods travel, regard instantly as one of popular options of viatic market, offerred for traveler unique costly experience and have a good swim all-aroundly world opportunity. No matter you are to be fond of,be infatuated with at savouring exotic amorous feelings, the travel circuitry of these elaborate design will satisfy your look.

Development is natural, experience the glamour of nature

For the traveler to liking nature, thorough nature is a kind another enjoy. Arrive from the snow mountain of lofty azure ocean, arrive from emerald green forest the desert of vast, circuitry of nature of of all kinds high-quality goods will take you to appreciate the glamour of nature.

  • The the Alps is expeditionary: Mountain-climbing, ski, pedestrian... experience grand and magnificent natural sight to the top of one's bent.
  • Sea floor of big fort reef is expeditionary: Phreatic water, float goes, have a good swim of marine world flowery with diversity.
  • Yamaxun rain forest explores: Expeditionary and pedestrian, close quarters experiences the mystery of primitive forest and glamour.

Savour culture, experience exotic amorous feelings

If you are full of curiosity to exotic culture, circuitry of culture of so of all kinds high-quality goods can let you be intoxicated among them, experience the glamour of exotic amorous feelings.

  • The brigade of European ancient city: Ramble is in the alley of Prague child in, experience old architectural vicissitudes of life. Sample Venetian cate, appreciate the amorous feelings of romantic water city.
  • The brigade of Oriental civilization: Visit Chinese Great Wall, the Imperial Palace, experience deep China culture. Roam at Japanese Kyoto, appreciate refined zephyr curtilage, antique tea path culture.
  • African tribe seek by inquiry: Be close to African tribe folk-custom, understand their lifestyle and distinctive culture.


Circuitry of high-quality goods travel offerred rare opportunity for you, let you with the easiest way, all-around the natural view that the ground appreciates world each district and exotic culture. Walk out of comfortable area, the experience is different wonderful! Those who thank you read, hope this article can help you choose to suit his travel circuitry better.
