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  • 低成本:不需要购买昂贵的健身器材,只需一个安全的练习空间。
  • 灵活性:可以随时随地进行,不受时间和地点限制。
  • 全身性锻炼:徒手健身可以全面激活肌肉群,实现全身性的锻炼。
  • 功能性训练:更加注重实用性和功能性,有助于提高日常生活中的运动能力。



  • 初学者建议:初学者应该寻求专业指导,学习正确的徒手健身姿势和动作,避免受伤。
  • 有氧与无氧:徒手健身也需要有氧和无氧训练的结合,以实现更全面的效果。
  • 适度性原则:合理控制训练强度和频率,避免因过度训练引发损伤。
  • 注意热身:在徒手健身前,应进行充分的热身运动,减少运动损伤的风险。



  • 只注重肌肉:徒手健身并非只关乎肌肉的锻炼,更应该注重身体的整体平衡和运动的协调性。
  • 不重视营养:健康的饮食结构对于徒手健身同样重要,应合理搭配膳食,提供足够的营养支持。
  • 忽略休息:适当的休息同样重要,合理安排训练和休息时间,帮助肌肉恢复和生长。




The advantage of bare-handed fitness

In recent years, bare-handed fitness gets attention fully in gymnastical group. Bare-handed fitness is a kind of fitness means that does not rely on appliance, the weight that carries canvasser oneself and movement will exercise muscle. Bare-handed fitness has the following distinct advantages:

  • Low cost: Do not need to buy costly gymnastical equipment, need a safe exercise space only.
  • Flexibility: Can undertake at any time and place, do not accept time and place restriction.
  • Systemic sex takes exercise: Bare-handed fitness can activation in the round muscle group, realize systemic sex take exercise.
  • Functional sex trains: Pay attention to more practical with functional sex, conduce to the athletic ability in improving daily life.

The note of bare-handed fitness

However, bare-handed fitness is not suit everybody, also put in the problem that a few need note:

  • Abecedarian proposal: Abecedarian should seek professional guidance, study correct bare-handed fitness pose and movement, avoid to get hurt.
  • Have oxygen and without oxygen: Bare-handed fitness also needs to have oxygen and the couple that train without oxygen, in order to achieve more overall effect.
  • Measurable sex principle: Reasonable control trains intensity and frequency, because excessive training causes loss,avoid.
  • Notice warm up: Before bare-handed fitness, should undertake sufficient warm-up, reduce the risk that motion injures.

The common error of bare-handed fitness

When undertaking bare-handed fitness, often can appear a few common errors:

  • Pay attention to muscle only: Bare-handed fitness is not concern sarcous to take exercise only, should pay attention to the harmonious sex that the whole of the body is balanced and moves more.
  • Ignored nutrition: Healthy dietary structure is likewise important to bare-handed fitness, should reasonable collocation is prandial, provide enough nutrient support.
  • Oversight rests: Proper rest is likewise important, reasonable arrangement training and breathing space, help muscle restores and grow.

Anyhow, bare-handed fitness regards a kind of simple and convenient fitness as means, attracted more and more people pay close attention to and participate in. However, we still need to note a few detail and problem in practice, the fun that just can enjoy bare-handed fitness better achieves expectant gymnastical result.

Thank you to read the article, hope these information can be you to provide a few helps on bare-handed fitness road.
